Use 15mg of DMSA every 3 hours around the clock for 3 days then take a rest of 4 days. Do this until you have done 5 cycles of DMSA or 5 weeks. Then take 25mg of DMSA every 3 hours around the clock for 3 days then take a rest of 4 days. Do this until you have done 5 cycles of DMSA or 5 weeks.
This will be 10 cycles of DMSA and will take away some of the body burden of Hg's "Merc". You will want to take a natural herbal Milk Thistle product that will protect your liver while you chelate. I also recommend drinking green tea while you are chelate as you will urinate more frequently and thus more quickly get rid of the metals from your system and also the green tea has a protective effect on the liver and kidneys and the rest of the body while you chelate.
After you have done 10 cycles of DMSA like i mentioned you will want to add ALA, Alpha lepoic acid.
Start with 15mg just as you did with the DMSA. This is how you should add it in.
Use 15MG of ALA and 25MG DMSA every 3 hours around the clock for 3 days then take a rest of 4 days. Do this until you have done 5 cycles of DMSA & ALA or 5 weeks. Then take 25mg of ALA and 25mg of DMSA every 3 hours around the clock for 3 days then take a rest of 4 days. Do this until you have done 5 cycles of DMSA or 5 weeks.
This point you will have done 20 cycles of chelation and should feel a little better and you will have cut your toxic metal count down a bit. I would at this point take a break for 2 weeks to a month and then go back to using 25MG of ALA and 25MG of DMSA just as i have said above for another 20 cycles.
I would say that its a good idea to take a month or two break every 10-20 cycles. Its good to let your body recover and also the lead or Hg in your bones will have time to come out into your body for you to then chelate them.
This process takes time but is also very safe if you do as i have said above. I would say that you should notice significant changes every 20 cycles to your health and well being. I would say that it takes 100 cycles to be fully rid of the bad metals in your system. 100 cycles is for a very bad case so yours could be good in much shorter time, it really does vary with how bad your condition is.
Think of it this way, yeah it takes a long time but you feel better every day and every cycle. Its a great thing, so don't worry about time and just be happy your getting better every day and not worse :)!