I'm not healed yet, but I'm on my way. I put NOTHING on my lips at all - no ointments, balms, chapstick - nothing. I do not peel the skin. I let it fall of on its own, although I do trim the edges as needed with curved nail sissors. I try to protect my lips from irritation as much as possible. I also watch my diet very closely (no fried foods, high carbs, high
Sugar content, etc.). I am only 2 weeks into this experiment, but my peeling cycle is slowing down and the skin that does peel is slowly, but surely becoming thinner with each cycle.ALso, most of the pain and burning sensation is also gone. I am convinced we just have to let our lips heal naturally and do our best to protect them so that they can do what they need to do. Be patient and know that they'll look worse before they will look and feel better. It's worth it! Best wishes to you!