..someday...the "learned physicians" might figure
out that the reason that they are seeing "plant and fabric
fibers" in samples taken from "delusional mOrgies"
is because the "delusional mOrgies" are GROWING cellulose
Cellulose..just like the cotton plant. [Hows THAT for being "green"?]
Two microphotographs at the same magnification.
One of fibers from a "Q-tip" [cellulose]
..and a pic of fibers taken from a human. [me, at least I
USED to be human. I suspect I'm some sort of plant/mammal
hybrid now.]
See much difference between the two pics? I don't.
And the "human fiber" is just as indestructible as the
cellulose fiber from the Q-tip.
I begin to understand that so many "doctors" are "educated"
far beyone their intelligence level. An intellect would
be expressing curiousity as to why there are suddenly so
many people with the same odd complaint. Is it really
"logical" to assume that a once rare "DOP" incident
has now mushroomed by several orders of magnitude?
Hundreds of thousands are "crazy"..driven to madness by
some "internet meme"? Rather than ask questions, actually
LOOK/OBSERVE/STUDY the evidence presented to them...it's so much easier simply to declare EVERYONE IS NUTS..and
hand them off to the shrinks.
[..and what of all those
psychiatrists handing out Rx for brain altering meds..
are all of them totally lacking in any sort of analytical
thinking? ]
Didn't Psych's have to pass the MD training
first? Did they learn NOTHING? The "good ole' boys" club
of MD's just keep herding "delusional people" to your
front door, and you just keep doping them up to make them
Hey, it's a good gig eh? $$ Kaching..kaching $$.