I just wanted to say that I appreciate the many people that have knowledge and experience that post on this form and share their thoughts and knowledge freely. I also appreciate the positive and up building way that questions are answered and posted.
For someone like myself that has not always ‘known’ about natural healing, there are a lot of misinformation and down right lies to wade through on the quest for truth and healing. Everyday I learn more and more and I appreciate being able to ask questions without being treated like I am stupid because I didn’t know something that is common knowledge to most that have been posting here for years. Knowledge is power and learning or discovering true health for yourself is very empowering.
I am the only person I know that is looking for answers that don’t come from an M.D. or from a pill with deadly side effects. My really good friend who is into ‘healthy’ lifestyle is addicted to benzos, alcohol and pain pills. When I try to share with her some of the things I am learning, she is cynical and rude about it. Its really frustrating but I am learning that you have to want to learn and be healed, you have to be looking. And sad to say I know 35 people that have had cancer, died from it, or are living with it. NOT ONE IS DOING ANYTHING THAT WILL HELP THEM. Many are women with
Breast Cancer that have opted to have the breast removed, do chemo, radiation and chemo pills.
My husband understands a lot of what I am learning, yet he isn’t making any changes himself. He said he would take the
parasite herbs, etc when I get some. But he isn’t looking for answers, he is just accepting his unhealthy lifestyle as the way he wants to live. It irritates me, BUT, each person has to decide for themselves that they want to change and look into health. So I try not to stress. But we have 5 children, and want to make some big lifestyle changes, changes that will dramatically improve their health and futures. So I do appreciate this site as a resource and value the people that take the time to post and share their experiences.
I appreciate a post that uny wrote to someone about sympathy not being helpful for healing. She mentioned that some people may not remember what it was like when they ‘didn’t’ know about natural healing. I have found that some people don’t remember what it was like to not know and be looking for answers, and they can be very rude or harsh in their posts. I appreciate that while uny and willow, water and many others are very direct and matter of fact, they are never belittling or demeaning to people that have only been learning for a short time.
Thank you for taking time to share your knowledge and experience with others. Thank you for not making it difficult to get answers. I think that knowledge should be shared without cost, especially if it save a life. Thank you for making this knowledge available.