Only did the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement by itself..and after seeing
the effect
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement had on the fiber/fungus growth
in the tap water filter tests..[extremely rapid
and the amazing amount of fiber gels that I
was expelling..I gave it up as a counter productive
As for
Antibiotics ..I'm not taking any.
I strongly suspect that the rather violent
expression of the morg symptims was aggravated
by the "more or less random"
Antibiotic courses
that the "learned doctors" handed to me.
" like a skin rash..try this prescription
and see if it does anything".
..there seems to be a strong fungal aspect to what
I am experiencing. several "blind raids" with
Antibiotics at the hands of clueless docs seems to
have yielded the gut to the fungi...they got the
upper hand.
..despite a lesion biopsy testing negative on the
PAS stain test for fungus..the pathology report did
not the presence of mycelia in the skin.
*2 dermatologists either chose to ignore the mycelia report
for the sake of conveniently pasting me with a DOP get me out of their hair..
OR did not recognize the significance of mycelia..which
is strictly a fungal characteristic. Not that it neither of the two derm doc bothered to look
at my skin with ANYTHING other than a cursory glance..and
a flash diagnosis of DOP. So far as I am concerned, such
behaviour is malpractice..but I lack the energy or the
funds to pursue legal action. No doubt many docs with
this sort of cavalier attitude are wilfully taking advantage of the fact that many of their "DOP" patients
are in no condition for a legal fight.
I am taking ionic are the two cats
[who also have mOrg symptoms/fibers]
The 30 dollar/bottle cost for "store bought" is sliding
out of my budget learning to "brew my own.".