Before? My goodness, that really is quite astonishing! Inspirational, in fact…
I read your thread in the Ask Moreless forum, and I agree with Alison in that the “acid” is more likely to have come from the liver than the bowel. The liver has a direct influence on the bowel of course, as insufficient bile flow will result in a toxic colon which will display itself via the tongue. My tongue is still occasionally coated upon waking, and I know for a fact that my bowel is functioning as it should (at least one bowel movement for every meal eaten; natural and odourless), so this leads me to assume that it is an inadequate supply of fresh bile into the digestive tract that results in “detox” symptoms.
When I first begun flushing, I too experienced the “burn” and the disconcerting pain that goes along with it. This lessened with each flush and now, if the last two flushes are anything to go by, I appear to be free of the burning sensation altogether. I think it is only logical to assume that the cleaner one becomes the less acid waste he/she will harbour, hence the less waste he/she will excrete when cleansing.
Hm, I did read your entire thread in the Ask Moreless forum, and it seems to me that his aversion to flushes is based on miscomprehension. It is true, of course, that by flushing out waste we may also be flushing out materials the body would rather use; but, these materials (minerals especially) can be easily replaced in a matter of moments, whereas the toxins, poisons, stagnant bile, parasites, accumulated waste, etc., is far better removed as quickly as is possible; and clearly, pinches of Epsom Salts with each meal will only act as a mild laxative and each small dose will not be sufficient to dilate the bile ducts, and “each meal” will most certainly not be so high in fat content as to purge the liver and gallbladder to such a degree that the aforementioned unnatural waste products and vermin can be expelled. The assumption that huge amounts of minerals and small amounts of laxatives will cleanse and rebuild the system is erroneous - it is quite literally impossible for large “stones” to be expelled using such small doses, not to mention the all too obvious fact that daily doses of Epsom Salts is quite harmful. But, as we all know, there is no gimmickry or mass-appeal in standard, boring old flushing and correct diet…!
Anyway! I am not certain about your diet, but have you tried eating nothing but watery fruits for a week or two? In my experience this is the ultimate bowel cleanse: the natural fruit acids dissolve mucous and dislodge accumulated waste, while the fibres help scrape the intestinal wall - a perfect double-whammy, you could say. In this respect, the all-fruit diet seems even more beneficial than fasting as it loosens and removes while the fast generally loosens before the great removal is achieved upon returning to whole, colon-scraping foods.
Hopinso summed it all up rather well a few days ago, but alas her beautifully considered post* has only been perused by fifty-three individuals up to this point; that is a few hundred thousand short of idealism!
Anyone who has studied the human form’s natural state realises that there are three stages of self-purification and maintenance: Elimination, Circulation, Assimilation. Perfect health requires all three, and it is infuriating to know that certain individuals promise cures without addressing one or even two of the vital components! Anything that differs from total-health is “magic/silver bullet” theology and is entirely ignorant of the functions and necessities of the human body.
The instructions as to the perfection of the human form are depicted upon the pyramid walls of Ancient Egypt and formed into their temple constructs via sacred geometry. Peculiarly, they make no mention of blackstrap molasses…