Hello everyone, I originally posted this thread, Daily, Evasive
Liver Flush @
but I did not get many responses. However, I am going to try again...
First off, I would like to state that I am not a fan of liver flushing. It is too much to go through for something that is not always guaranteed to work. I could not envision myself doing this procedure 5-10 times to get the desired results, so I want to develop a new
Liver Flush with the community's help.
Over the last two years, I have dealt with a sluggish and congested liver, along with gallstones. My sluggish and congested liver did not get better until I started to use a combination of supplements with AF Betafood and Futurebiotics Silymarin Plus leading the forefront. However, I reached a new plateau of health when I started to use the following supplements "twice per day" with the advice I gathered from here (mainly from Telman and jessesmom1987) and other places on the Internet:
After breakfast and dinner:
1000 mg Vitamin C
250 mg Magnesium Citrate
B-vitamin Complex
1000 mg Glycine
1000 mg Taurine
840 mg Phos. Choline
500 mg TMG
300 mg Bile Salt (Sometimes 600 mg depending on the size of the meal)
500 mg Pancreatin
2-3 tablets of AF Betafood
Using the aforementioned supplement combination, I greatly improved the quality of my bile. As you can see I have given my body more materials to produce more bile and take care of any cholesterol in my body. Oh yeah, one thing I need to mention is that I have cleaned up my diet a lot, but I make certain to take healthy fats daily to keep my gallbladder active. Remember if the gallbladder is not used, then it gets lazy. However, the gallstone issue still exist, which is why I have turned to the community. I want to develop a protocol similar to liver flushing, but without the time consumption and mess. I have experimented with Magnesium Oil and Epsom salt-based lotion over the torso as a transdermal way to loosen the bile ducts. It is kind of hard to tell which one works best, but I would go with magnesium oil because it absorbs better in the skin. Here are some of the protocols I have developed...
Name: Supplement-based liver flush
Description: Very similar to a liver flush. Instead of taking
Epsom Salt internally, you apply magnesium externally. Instead of taking olive oil and lemon juice, you take a bile producing supplement, which will hopefully produce the same results when used overtime.
Don't eat or drink anything over 3 hours to ensure your bloodstream is clear (Empty Stomach)
Magnesium Oil applied twice over an hour (every 30 minutes)
Take a supplement like Stone Free or Bitter combination
Result: I have tried this, once or twice. I did not have the discipline to follow the protocol through; however, I feel it has amazing potential. I think if someone indulged in a low fat diet for 3 days and tried this protocol, it will produce enough bile to flush anything out.
Name: Oil pulling-based liver flush
Description: If you are not familiar with oil pulling then please go to the corresponding forum at Curezone to research it. I think this protocol has promise to it! Like in the preceding protocol, you apply mangesium externally, instead of taking
Epsom Salt internally. As for the olive oil and lemon juice in take, you swish oil in your mouth and I think it upsets the gallbladder enough to unload its contents. You could probably experiment by adding a few drop of some type of liquid bitter supplement to the oil you have to swish in your mouth. Overall, I see this protocol as a way of giving your organ an internal massage.
Don't eat or drink anything over 3 hours to ensure your bloodstream is clear (Empty Stomach)
Magnesium Oil applied twice over an hour (every 30 minutes)
1 tbsp of an Unrefined oil of your choice (Olive, Sunflower, Sesame)
Sea Salt water to rinse your mouth after pulling
Optional: A few drops of a bitter supplement in the tbsp of oil
Result: I really like this protocol, but I am hesitant to do it because I am still a bit mercury poisoned. I don't want to pull any deposits of mercury that may still remain back into my brain. I am so amped about this protocol I might still try it, even though the consequences for me is grave.
I would like someone to try these pain free protocols or make your own protocols and report the results. Remember, the rule of this thread is to avoid a time consuming protocol like the original liver flush!