It all depends on the purpose of Lo-Carb Eating - are you eating low carbs to loose weight? Are you eating low carbs because you have a candida problem and cannot eat a lot of high carb foods for fear of feeding the candida.
If it is for weightloss, I can honestly tell you, I have been down that path. Yes, you will notice that the weight will peel of very quickly, but most of that will only be brought on by the severe calorie restriction the low carb dieting will cause and most of that may well turn out to be water and muscle loss. Once you achieve your ideal weight and reintroduce even the slightest carbs, you will put the water weight back on as well as "rebound," you will see yourself regaining that weight faster than a person eating all day at a all you can eat buffet for a month. This happened to me although many claim it cannot happen. I followed the South Beach Diet to a Tee. And I finally realized that the South Beach Diet was only a variation of the Mediterranean Diet with all the good stuff taken out(including the diet's assertion that exercise was not necessary for the South Beach diet to work, yes you loose a ton of weight on the two week restriction phase because the calories are so restricted in the two week phase, and your body disposes of a lot of water and even muscle weight). I also know a woman at work who was bragging about low carb dieting and the South Beach Diet(she went out and bought the book and religiously followed the diet). She lost a lot of weight and looked good for about a month. Now, she looks hideous and you can see her quickly putting weight back on - she actually looks worse than before she started the South Beach Diet. Meanwhile, I took the "nonfad" slow and sensible diet route. It took me longer but I kept the fat off longer. I finally realized that when it comes to fat loss, nothing works better than the true, tried and proven forumula. Also for lo carb dieters, try a little experiment. Most folks measure healthy fat loss by what the scales show. That weight captures the combined weight of fat, muscle, water, and bones and is not the best reflection of weight loss since your rapid weight loss may result from extreme water or muscle loss. Instead invest in a scale that measures fat percentage and try your low carb dieting. You may be surprised at what you see. You will see a drop in weight but won't see your body fat percentage(a more accurate reflection of body fat) drop over the same time. Now, try the same thing with a sensible calorie reduced regular exercise program combined with regular
Liver Flushes and compare the difference. How do I know about this been there done that! I experienced it for myself.
Healthier Eating + daily exercise + regular&Maintenance liver flushes(don't go overboard here) = slow but permanent and healthier fat loss and muscle conservation.