Many doctors and labs still do not even consider Blasto to be pathogenic, they have clearly not looked much at published research over last 20 years or so.
But yes Blasto is slowly taken more and more seriously.
Interesting report:
"It was the opinion of Stenzel and Boreham that the existing information on Blastocystis Hominis was based on “minimal factual data, often collated from early reports and uncritical anecdotes”"
"An article by D. J. Stenzel and P. F. Boreham in 1996 showed how little scientists know about this
parasite that can cause a number of different symptoms in the human body. They conducted a literature review on a wide number of studies that had been one since the
parasite was first found and classified in 1912. In their introductory statements they noted that there were still a lot of things that needed to be discovered about the
parasite before truly effective treatments could be concocted. For example they mentioned that scientists could not determine how the parasite reproduced; what various functions some parts of the parasite might have and the pathogenicity of the organism was still undetermined. They also felt that the causal element or more specifically the way the organism was transferred between humans, or other hosts, had also not been clearly identified. "
It took more than 20 years or so before a doctor figured out most stomach ulcers was caused by a bacteria (Helicobacter pylori) and not by stress, coffee etc as doctors told patientce. They told patients to take life easier, to stress less, and in some severe cases "solution" was surgery. For 20 years most doctors ignored the research that showed clear connection between stomach ulcers and infection.
Today most doctors ignore blasto, both when it comes to extensive testing and treatment!