Hey all,
Ive been around for a while in the background reading & taking things in. Just wondering what you guys thought on my story so far;
For the last 3 years I've struggled with adrenal fatigue. i should really say Ive got better for many months and then slipped up. Going back in my history I gave up whaet/gluten in Jan 2007 after a year of pelvic pain/prostatitius (not nice!). This helped me greatly - incidently Im unsure if Im celiac or just gluten intolerant but suspect only the latter. I dont want to dwell on this too much because I am rather knowledgeable about things connected to my health including adrenal fatigue.
However, clearly knowledge isnt enough if you have a somewhat undisciplined / sensation seeking personality (I'm actually a HSP - highly sensitive person and borderline introvert/extrovert). On that subject Ive learned so much great stuff about life and how I fit into it with who I am. Thats another topic though!
What Im really getting at is the frustration for me in letting myself down. Im in a low stress career after quiting my old high paid job, I meditate a lot and exercise. I eat well and in accordance with the adrenal fatigue protocol. Im not a worrier or a stress head.
But - in the last 2 months I havent had one refreshing night's sleep. the worst case of sleep/insomnia since all this began! I hope I havent gone back to square one because my adrenals must be exhausted? Strangely enough though my fatigue isnt terrible, I havent had a return of hypoglycemia for many years and numbness / tingling and emotioanal problems are under control. BUT Im not sleeping at all!!
I believe this is the cause - Alocohol & subqsequent nutritional deficiencies. Prior to April this year as usual I dindt drink for 3 months and was sleeping fine and generally on the road to wellness. Then perhaps 9 drinking sessions over the next 2 months (my friend came over from NZ was partly why) and since late May a massive turn for the worse. I couldnt see it until now but around the same time that all this drinking went on I stopped taking my vit b, vit d, calc/mag, zinc. I now see that the combined issue of not supplementing (I think I may always need to) and considerable alcohol intake has depleted my calc, mag, zinc, b6 etc to the point where my body is wired and streesed even though there is nothing in my life making me stressed. In other words the deficiencies alone are causing the body stress not least because of the calming eefect of zinc, mag, calc on the body. And it becomes a viscious circle as we all know!
Sorry for the overly long post. I dont talk this much in life lol! I guess my question is do you think im talking sense here? Any other thoughts?
Suffice to say Im back taking wholefood vitamin b, calc / mag, zinc. We'll see what happens.
Oh and I havent drank alcohol since May and really want to just give the stuff up!
P.S. I also stopped taking supplemets for fear of
additives / excitio toxins which Im very sensitive to and keep my heart racing all night!
All the best