GREAT work!!!
I don't know about cold sores... but I am a poster child for
Liver Flushing and clear skin! I suffered for years with "adult acne" (I am 50 for petes sake), and even years of heavy duty colon cleansing (which I needed) didn't correct the problem.
After 5-6 flushes I passed a whole potty load of beautiful jade green stones the size of small prunes. I flushed maybe 4 more times, clean... and NEVER had another breakout after hitting the mother lode!
Until about a year later. Just recently I started to notice very minor breakouts, and went straight back to flushing. I am doing a series with my partner, and am definitely unloading lots of gunk. I have no doubt my skin will again be perfect--a true miracle for me! The other major benefit is dramatically improved digestion--very important for me as a Mega Colon Cleanser.
I would not be surprised to hear that your occurrence of cold sores is dramatically reduced, if not eliminated, by flushing your liver til clean!
Have you ever had a professional colonic? If you feel congested, there is nothing like a series (usually 3) for clearing up the problem. This is an excellent addition to a
Liver Cleansing program. Be sure to find a qualified therapist with lots of experience. They can tell you a lot about the condition of your colon!
Best to you,