My name is Philip Cooper my PASSION is Ozone.
We at Ozonezone are in the business to help people who want to help themselves.
We do not make any claim’s, we are not allowed to say we can heal anything.
We will just help you, to help yourself.
Modern medicine address the symptom. Ozone medical treatment addresses the cause. You can live without food for +- 30 day’s. Without water for +- 7 day’s but without oxygen a matter of minutes.
Your body is actually designed to heal itself, but unfortunately, we don’t assist it in the healing process . You change the oil filter on your car without fail every couple of months, when last did you clean your oil filter ( Liver) ?. The liver is our bodies oil filter, but if it is clogged up with debris it can’t clean your system and help with the healing process, because we eat wrong, drink wrong and some of us don’t exercise any more.
Ozone medical treatment is a oxygen enriched modality, whereby we warm up your body with steam for your pores to open, then ozone will enter your blood stream, helping the body to make lots of white blood cells,( white blood cells are the soldiers in your body) helping you to combat viruses and bacteria.
I can but I am not allowed to tell you that ozone can cure cancer, (
) high/low blood pressure, diabetes etc. etc. etc But I can give you testimonials worldwide of people that have been cured of a lot of medical illnesses for the past 300 years with ozone. ( Google Dr. Frank Shallenberger) , ,
There is lots more !!
If you decide that you need more info please contact me.(
I will personally be in Auckland New Zealand for 6 weeks during Dec 2011 and Jan 2012. I will be able to assist anybody with questions, protocols and training. My contact no. In Auckland during that time 064210717222.
Best Regards.
Philip Cooper.