I hadn't done a flush in about 6 weeks ( I usually aim for one every 2 weeks) and my skin was showing the signs of toxic build-up in my liver. Although I didn't have any specific pimples, my forehead had a really uneven texture which became really noticeable in daylight. I've lost count of how many flushes I've done, not that I've done many, I just don't do them regularly enough to keep track! So this was probably my 8th or 9th, and the results have been the best yet!
After struggling to get the OO/GF mix down (I usually enjoy this part after the horrid
Epsom Salts !) I took ages to get to sleep and woke in the night feeling horribly sick. Anyway, got back to sleep and the next day nothing seemed to be happening, only very few tiny stones. Throughout the day I passed only a handful of stones so felt like the flush hadn't been all that successful. But 3 days later and my skin has developed a glow it hasn't had for months and my forehead is practically smooth!
Just goes to show, even those flushes that don't provide massive physical results are effectively cleansing the liver and shouldn't be discarded as failures.
Happy flushing everyone! :)