Ovarian cysts, fibroids and cystic breasts respond beautifully to iodine supplementation. Lugols 2% and iodoral (tablet form of lugols 5%) are both sold at Swansons vitamins online and elsewhere. Taking the companion supplements (niacin, riboflavin, selenium and magnesium is easily done with the iodine co-factors by Terry Naturally. iherb has both Terry Naturally's iodine co-factors and iodoral.
Testimonies and iodine supplementation help can be found over on the VWT Iodine supplementation forum here on curezone.
The forum is 5 years worth of excellent information.
Additionally, the iodine supplement protocol is explained quite nicely here: http://www.breastcancerchoices.org/iodineindex.html
Basically, the fibroids and cysts are caused by bromide that has taken up residence in the body's iodine receptors that are found all over the body, especially in the breast, ovaries and uterus, which are the second heaviest iodine users next to the thyroid. You need to start supplementing with iodine along with the co-factors and flush out the mobilized [EDIT: [ iodine] bromide with salt flushes and vitamin C (all laid out here:
and detox symptoms here:
BTW, on the VWT iodine supplementation forum, you will find many, many testimonials from women on FBD, fibroid tumors and ovarian cysts all resolved by becoming iodinated. The latest post has a link to cysts being resolved.
Come on over to the VWT iodine forum and start dissolving those cysts!!!