Thanks, Dr. Jeff, for all your help. Is there another similar product that would work during the first 8 weeks of your program? It's just that I don't eat that many vegetables without butter or cheese and I know I probably don't get enough nutrients. Additionally, I'm obviously not absorbing very well right now, so I figure I could use the extra help.
One other question -- is it possible I might be able to shorten the program by a couple of weeks since I've already been fighting candida pretty aggressively for almost a month prior to starting your program? I've been doing colonics and have gotten out tons of yeast/fungus build up and based on the way I feel, I know I've made some improvements in reducing yeast/toxins.
I don't want to short-circuit the program, but I have some social events coming up later this fall and I'd like to be able to have some of the food and wine that will be served there. I look forward these events all year and I've been such a hermit this past winter that the possibility of actually being able to socialize again is very encouraging. How can I tell if I'm ready to reintroduce some of the items that are initially excluded?
Thanks again for all your help -- your plan is the first one I've found that accounts for the realization that most people are unwilling to live the rest of their lives with absolutely no sugar, dairy or grains -- I can got for 2 or 3 months without these things if I know in the longterm I'll be able to enjoy them in moderation.