It is also true to say that the degree of weightloss also depends on the type of fat your body has accumulated: the soft-tissue type will be lost and consumed much more easily than hardened fat that feels pretty solid. This was also Sheltons experience and who supervised over 30,000 fasts in most all conditions of health and disease.
Despite yur BMI being 22.6 at the outset, and well within the healthy weight range, this would have been a new experience for your body and where you will lose more weight in the early stages of a first fast, as I did on my very first but not on subsequent fasts.
Sounds to me as if you are disappointed in the scales being stuck at the same weight, but I hope you realize that water-only fasting is not the ideal method of losing weight if that is your goal.
Without any sustenance apart from water, the body will conserve its nutritional reserves including fat as a priority, and as a survival mechanism in the eventual prevention of actual starvation. The body does have this innate ability to think and act for itself that most people are just unaware of.
If your goal is weightloss then juice-feasting is far more ideal and effective.
One month is a very long time for someone of your weight, but personally I would take it just one day at a time and let any developments take their course.
Do you really think that 8 glasses of water is advisable?
because if you drink more than your body calls for by way of thirst the extra water only serves to burden the body with even more elimination and delays the detox of cellular waste. Too much of anything is not ideal whether that be food or sunbathing or whatever.
My advice, and that of most if not all fasting supervisors, is to drink according to bodily demand; in other words listening to your body as to its wants and needs.
Best wishes on the dry fast.