I am pretty positive that candida can get into the prostate and/or cause prostatitis. Prostate problems were one of the first signs I had that something was wrong with me, especially since they began when I was still in my twenties (who the heck has prostate problems before 30??). The problems started pretty much immediately after I had been given a broad spectrum
Antibiotic for chlamydia years back, and caused UTIs so painful that I cringe just remembering them.
Since then I have gotten the prostate problems under control for the most part, along with most of my other health problems. I won't go into everything here, but the things I used specifically for the prostate were D-mannose, which helped clean up my urinary tract, and an external prostate massager called the "Prostate Cradle" that I purchased off of Amazon. I think the people are correct who claim that, once your prostate gets infected, or clogged by poor diet, the only way to clear it out is through manual massage.