I am going in for a sleep study soon to find out why I fall asleep at the wheel often even when I get 8+ hours of sleep, and my wife tells me I stop breathing sometimes at night, and overall my energy is getting lower land lower as I get older.
Now I am only 27 so I think I should be able to stay up until 11pm and wake up around 7am without alot of problems. I know many people I work with that stay up until 1am and get up at the same time I do with more energy! Sorry if i sound like i am ranting but it has been a huge problem lateley and it is only getting worse.
See I think it has something to do with my sinuses because I have a pretty naisally voice and have a hard time breathing through my nose in general. I think whatever is blocking my breathing is getting bigger because lately I have heard multiple people tell me I'm breathing really loud through my nose and I had never heard anything like that when I was 25.
So anyways on to the main question. Is there anything I can do myself to fix this. I am one of those people that hates surgery and medication and I believe the human body can usually heal itself. The only problem is I feel like this is genetics toying with me because my mother has it as well and she had the surgery but the tisue they removed has slowly grown back.
I just want to know if there is any pro nutritionists out there that have heard about anything to eat or dietary supplements that could help me get to REM sleep without a CPAP machine or surgery. I just want to know if there is anything out there because I am generally healthy and eat pretty well and try to stay away from medical doctors as much as possible.
Actually I will take suggestions from anyone because I need alot of information on this and want to be in the know now that it is in my life for good. If anyone knows of a permanent solution surgery that does not involve removing my whole nose let me know :P
Thank you for your replies in advance! I will be keeping up with this!