When im out in the hot sun I have trouble eating anything fatty or salty. I usually have to eat some low fat/salt fish. The hot sun does make me more anxious and does seem to create somewhat of a die off.
Dont get sunburned easily..but am more senstive to extreme heat.
I have a theory which is somehow supported by my personal anecdotal experience. The Candida imbalance is using up our natural resources including the ability of our cells to utilize the light rays that are normally emitted by the cells of the body. I can only further theorize that this problem may be the result of ROS and free radicals. Quite accidentally, I found an incredible resource who provided the above theories. Based on this particular scientist's theories of not only what's happening but potential methods to help it, I'm currently using myself as a guinea pig. I'm combining three different foods which are to be eaten daily and in theory improve the light utilizing properties of the body as I understand it. I'm only in my second week of eating these foods but I can say that this past weekend I was expecting to be burnt pretty badly. My skin is red, but there is no pain and the redness after 1 day has already started fading away. So far so good, nothing amazing yet, but after a few more weeks I'll be excited to see how things go. I'm told it takes around a month or so for the full effect to take place. I would mention the foods here, but I have to check and make sure I'm not revealing anything that's copyrighted. If it works, I'll be more than happy to either mention the foods if the author says it's okay to list them as a reference for the material. If it works, I will certainly ask or at least post info on how to contact the author as well.
These days I tend to burn rather easily, but growing up that almost never happened. My skin sensitivity to the sun has been magnified tremendously since candida has been going on. I'm not even light skinned either. The sun just tends to burn me pretty quickly these last few years.