I got my results from a probiotic study that Metamterix funded and I wanted to share. The clinicians at Metametrix and my doc have never ever seen a case like mine and they are still scratching their heads.
1. Pretreatment (no probiotics for a few days) - hookworm and unknown
parasite present, lacto and bifido levels higher than i have ever seen
2. Post 7 day treatment (1x 25 cfu HLC probiotic every waking hr for 7 days) - blasto, hookworm, cryptosporidium and unknown present- also positive for H pylori and vibrio, lacto/bifido levels low
3. Post 7 days without any probiotics: hookworm gone, unknown present, endolimax present, h pylori a tad lower but still high, lacto and bififo levels low
Does this make any sense to ya'll? the new theory is that somehow the probiotics are feeding the bugs - results were better before the treatment and after 7 days of no probiotics. my symptoms really havent changed much. think im gonna stop taking probiotics for a while and let my body balance out on its own but would appreciate any feedback.