The website I linked to in the OP is not full of lies.
It's one the most factual sites on
vaccinations that I've come across. It links to articles, studies, and public health websites so that people can educate themselves and make their own decisions. It is non-profit.
The people running it include MD's, PhD's, DC's, and at least one person with experience working in the pharmaceutical industry.
About WAVE
The World Association for Vaccine Education (WAVE) is globally focused, non-profit, educational institution advocating reformation of the mass
vaccination systems. To this effect, WAVE provides an avenue for a public exchange of non-medical vaccine information, ideas and a continuously updated database of documents that concern vaccine risk and uselessness. It’s intent is to redress the balance of information available to parents on
vaccination issues, acknowledge people who experience vaccine reactions, and adamantly advocate and maintain freedom of choice.
Our Mission
The World Association for Vaccine Education (WAVE) promotes independent thinking, personal responsibility, and social evolution. We are dedicated to the prevention of vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and awareness.
Our Commitment to Evidence and Scientific-Based Conclusions
Medical Veritas® is a medical journal that contains no advertising and its research is uncompromised by the prevailing conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies or other vested institutions. It employs the use of diverse and independent international experts who oversee and peer-review the contents for objective manuscripts of the highest integrity.
Medical Veritas is the official journal of WAVE and
Board of Directors
Marc Girard, Msc, MD
Gary S. Goldman, PhD
Boyd Haley, PhD
Andrew Maniotis, PhD
Alan Phillips, J.D.
Tim O' Shea, DC
Dan N. Schultz, DC
Eileen Nicole Simon, PhD, RN
KP Stoller MD
Sherri J. Tenpenny, D.O.
Mary Tocco