Hello, Jorge.
The diet was a huge problem for me for about six weeks, and then I finally learned how to eat on the diet. The secret for me was to always be prepared and to avoid waiting too long before finding food and eating.
I boil around 8 to 12 eggs every two to three days depending on the amount of chicken and fish I eat. I always have them available, and I make both egg salad and deviled eggs every day. You can purchase a Yellow Organic Mustard from Tropical Traditions or Eden's Foods. It's made with all organic items, plus they use apple cider vinegar instead of distilled. Of course, I leave the mayonnaise out, and add
Sea Salt , pepper, paprika, and of course the mustard. The egg salad and deviled eggs are both absolutely delicious. With the mustard I can also make a delicious deli type coleslaw. Who needs mayonnaise?
I also keep coconut flour available all the time. I can fry chicken with this and make loaf bread as well as biscuits. These are two different recipes with variations on the taste as well as the texture. I enjoy the bread or biscuits at least three times a day and still hold my weight perfectly. It's very filling with protein and fiber. There are recipes for coconut flour gravy on the Internet, and I plan on trying this soon. I'm betting it would be delicious on the coconut flour biscuits.
I also made some coconut cream cookies with the flour. The recipe calls for organic condensed coconut cream; this can also be found at Tropical Traditions. These cookies as well as the biscuits are definitely something you can easily pack and carry with you wherever you go for a quick snack.
With the coconut cream, I can also make a delicious dessert. I mix two tablespoons of it in a bowl of plain organic Greek yogurt, add a little Truvia and blueberries, and it's as tasty a dessert as anyone would want.
I also found something called “ghee” which is a clarified butter normally made in India. Ghee is the butterfat which is left after the milk solids and water are removed from the butter. I’ve never had a Candida reaction from the ghee, and you can cook with it. The coconut bread/biscuits recipes call for coconut oil, but I’ve found that using half and half ghee and olive oil make better tasting bread and biscuits.
I've learned more about cooking in the last seven months than I had my entire life before Candia. I think that's a positive side effect of this nightmare.
"Variety" Jorge, this means being creative, doing a bit of research and trying anything. For me, variety was what was missing for those six weeks that were so difficult.