Well I started researching and I have already found somehing that blows that theory out of the water. Here is what someone had experrienced:
Chlorella is supposed very very very good for you. I won’t try to summarize it here. Go to Dr. Mercola’s website, he has a very good article on it, or just google it. The problem with chlorella is that it is very detoxing. The recommended daily dose is 3 grams, although you can take more. I ordered some, and started out taking three 200 mg. tablets a day (1/5 the recommended daily dose). Well, by the 2nd day I was totally wiped out and had to cut back to one a day (1/15 the recommended dose). The detoxing or herxing was just too rough. This has happened to me with other products such as Cellfood.
This was very discouraging. At one tablet a day it would take forever to get up to the recommended dose (of 15) and the thought of a prolonged detox was overwhelming, so I stopped the chlorella.
And then, fortuitously, I saw a post on molybdenum and how it helped with candida die-off symptoms, actually converting the die-off into energy. I had herxed from candida once and it was very rough.
So I bought some molybdenum on the theory that it just might help with the chlorella detoxing or herxing or whatever it is. I started out taking 450 mcg. a day (150 mcg. more than recommended, but muscle testing indicated I needed it) And, voila! I’m handling the chlorella just fine now – I re-started taking it, quickly went up to 3 a day, no problem, I’m now taking 5 a day, still no problem. So I’m really hopeful I’ll be able to get up to 3 grams a day in the near future.
Dr. Mercola said something very interesting on his website about chlorella de-toxing and food types. He said that protein metabolic types (which I am) will have a much harder time detoxing with the chlorella than other types. He didn’t explain why, but it was certainly true for me. Perhaps eating very little grains leads to a deficiency in molybdenum or other necessary detoxing elements – I don’t know.
It's so strange that most people use Molybdeum to cancel out the herx reactions, yet it gives us herx reactions. Maybe it's because we have AF?