I too got oral thrush from nasal sprays prescribed by my old doctor success, the), its in my esophagus as well and probably in my sinuses still but not so much sense ive been seeing no more white puffy clouds coming out of my sinuses after nasal rinses(I used xylitol,
Sea Salt , baking soda, golden seal extract grapefruit seed extract and hydrogen peroxide all in my sinuses). I still do it once a day for maitanence but feel I still need to do it since I still have post nasal drip.
I recently finished a 7 day course of 200mg of diflucan with little success, the first two days were awesome, my tongue literally looked like my old tongue again, then the morning of day 3 it was all back! I used all of it and in desperation on the last day I got a tongue scraper and scraped the hell out of my tongue and it all came off..... except the very back, still white and curd like. Now I scrape with biotene in my mouth and that seems to knock it down a bit and today ive started using drops of oregano oil on it, burns like hell so ill see if that works.
Did the oregano oil work for you? And im also considering putting a few drops of it in my nasal wash to make sure nothing is up there anymore. Anybody ever try that in a nasal wash?
Ive been doing the candida diet for about five months now and physically feel great and most symptoms are gone but this damn nasal drip and thrush in my throat and on my tongue, stupid flonase. ... ive also been using virgin cold pressed coconut oil, yeast cleanse by Solaris and a number of other supplements. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.