>Follow the diet for a minimum of 10 days or more-up to 40 days and beyond
>may be safely followed for extremely serious cases. The diet has all the
>nutrition needed during this time. Three to four times a year will do
>wonders for keeping the body in a normal healthy conditions. The diet may
>be undertaken more frequently for serious conditions.
>2 Tablespoons lemon or lime juice (approx. ½ lemon)
>2 Tablespoons genuine maple syrup (Not maple flavored
Sugar syrup)
>1/10 Teaspoon cayenne pepper (red pepper) or to taste
>Water, medium hot
>Combine the juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper in a 10
oz glass and
>fill with medium hot water. (Cold water may be used if preferred.)
>Use fresh (organic) lemons or limes only, never canned lemon or lime juice
>nor frozen lemonade or frozen juice.
>The maple syrup is a balanced form of positive and negative
Sugar and must
>be used, not some "substitute". There are three grades of maple syrup.
>Grade A is the first run-mild in taste, sweet and with less minerals than
>the other grades. It is more expensive and less desirable but it may be
>used. Grade B is the second run with more minerals plus more maple taste.
>It is more suitable for the diet and is less expensive. Grade C is the
>third run with even more minerals and still stronger taste of maple and
>slightly less pleasant for most people, although acceptable in the diet. It
>is lower in price. As Grade C is less expensive it can be used as an
>excellent sweetening agent in preparing foods. The strong maple flavor
>blends very well.
>The maple syrup has a large variety of minerals and vitamins. Naturally the
>mineral and vitamin content will vary according to the area where the trees
>grow and the mineral content in the soil. These are the minerals found in
>average samples of syrup from Vermont: Sodium; Potassium; Calcium;
>Magnesium; Manganese; Iron; Copper; Chlorine and Silicon. Vitamin !, B1,
>B2, B6, C, Nicotinic acid and Pantothenic acid are also present in the
>syrup. Information on the need and effect of these properties will be found
>in the Biochemistry in the back of the boo, "Healing for the Age of
>Some uninformed operators of the sugaring of the maple syrup do use
>formaldehyde pellets, run through polyethylene tubing but there are many
>more that don't. Search out and demand the kind not using formaldehyde.
>Spring Tree of Brattleboro, Vermont does not use it. This is the kind I
>Dozens of letters weekly, from around the world highly praise the many
>superior benefits of the
Lemonade Diet . Thus, we must conclude that since
>it does so much for so many it is truly
The Master Cleanser . The following
>is a quote form one of the letters: "I tried the
Lemonade Diet with
>exceptional beneficial results. I would like to order at least six at
>whatever your wholesale price would be-I know I will need many more as I do
>push the books. I believe they are the best in their field."
>An ideal formula involves freshly extracted juice from the
Sugar can
>(readily available in India, but not generally in the US at the present
>10 ox. Fresh sugar can juice (medium hot or cold)
>2 Tablespoons fresh lime or lemon juice
>1/10 teaspoon cayenne (red pepper) or to taste
>Another possible but lesser replacement could be pure sorghum. (Do not use
>for Diabetes). It does not produce equal or close to the benefits of maple
>Honey must not be used at any time internally. It is manufactured from the
>nectar picked up from the flowers by the bees-good enough in itself,
>perhaps-then predigested, vomited and stored for their own future use with
>a preservative added. It is deficient in calcium and has many detrimental
>effects for the human being.
>According to one authority, honey is "a magical and mystical word in
>Healthfoodland. It is one of the most overpromoted, overpriced product
>being sold to gullible health foodists. The great value attributed to honey
>is delusive.honey is only a little less empty and more dangerous than
>Just as with alcohol, honey, being predigested, enters the blood directly,
>raising the sugar content very rapidly above normal. To correct this, the
>pancreas must produce insulin immediately or possible death can occur. More
>insulin than necessary is likely to be produced, and the blood sugar level
>then drops below normal. This can produce blackout spells and even death if
>it goes to low. When blood sugar is below normal, a person will feel
>depressed. The regular use of honey can create constant imbalances wich in
>turn will adversely affect the normal function of the liver, pancreas and
>spleen. Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia are the results of the use of
>unbalanced sugars. The balanced sugar in maple syrup and sugar can juice
>causes no dangerous side effects. Artificial, synthetic, and refined sugars
>have no place in a natural diet.
>Take from six to twelve glasses of the lemonade daily during the waking
>period. As you get hungry just have another glass of lemonade. NO OTHER
>complete balance of minerals and vitamins, one does not suffer the pangs of
>hunger. Do not use vitamin pills.
>All solid food is turned into a liquid state before it can be carried by
>the blood to the cells of the body. The lemonade is already a food in
>liquid form.
>For those who are overweight, less maple syrup may be taken. For those
>underweight, more maple syrup may be taken. For those who are underweight
>and worried about losing more weight, REMEMBER, the only things you can
>possible lose are mucus; waste, and disease. Healthy tissue will not be
>eliminated. Many people who need to gain weight actually do so near the end
>of the diet period.
>Never vary the amount of lemon juice per glass. About six glasses of
>lemonade a day is enough for those wishing to reduce. Extra water may be
>taken as desired.
>As this is a cleansing diet, the more you can assist Nature to eliminate
>HAVING SUFFICIENT ELIMINATION. Avoid this possibility by following the
>direstions completely. Above all, be sure you have two, three, or more
>movements a day. This may seem unnecessary not eating solid food, but it is
>Nature's way of eliminating the waste it has loosened from the various
>cells and organs in the body. They must leave the body some way. It would
>be just the same as sweeping the floor around and around and never removing
>the dirt from the house if the wastes were not passed out. The better the
>elimination, the more rapid will be the results.
>A LAXATIVE HERB TEA is found to be the best helper for most persons. It is
>a good practice to take a good laxative herb tea right from the
>beginning-the last thing at night and first thing in the morning. There are
>several good laxative teas. They are best taken in a liquid form. Buy them
>in your health food store.
>As it is necessary to bathe the outside of our bodies, so it is with the
>inside. Do not take enemas or
colonics at any time during the cleansing
>diet or afterwards. They are unnecessary and can be extremely harmful.
>There is a much superior method of cleansing the
colonic tract without the
>harmful effects of customary
colonics and enemas. This method will cleanse
>the entire digestive tract while the
colonics and enemas will only reach
>the colon or a small part of it. Colonics can be expensive while our salt
>water method is not.
>DIRECTIONS: Prepare a full
quart of luke-warm water and add two level
>(rounded for the Canadian quart) teaspoons of
Sea Salt . Do not use ordinary
>iodized salt as it will not work properly. Drink the entire
quart of salt
>and water first thing in the morning. This must be taken on an empty
>stomach. The salt and water will not separate but will stay intact and
>quickly and thoroughly wash the entire tract in about one hour. Several
>eliminations will likely occur. The salt water has the same specific
>gravity as the blood, hence the kidneys cannot pick up the water and the
>blood cannot pick up the salt. This may be taken as often as needed for
>proper washing of the entire digestive system.
>If the salt water does not work the first time, try adding a little more or
>a little less salt until the proper balance is found; or possible take
>extra water with or without salt. This often increases the activity.
>Remember, it can do no harm at any time. The colon needs a good washing,
>but do it the natural way-the salt water way.
>It is quite advisable to take the herb laxative tea at night to loosen,
>then the salt water each morning to wash it out. If for some reason the
>salt water cannot be taken in the morning, then the herb laxative tea must
>be taken night and morning.
>( I found salt at http://www.celtic-
Seasalt .com/celtic.html Phone
>1-800-867-7258...I bought the grinder and the light grey celtic salt.
>$42.24 with tax and shipping)
>The lemon is a loosening and cleansing agent with many important building
>factors. The ability of the elements in the lemon and the maple syrup
>working together creates these desired results.
>Its 49% potassium strengthens and energizes the heart, stimulates and
>builds the kidneys and adrenal glands.
>Its oxygen builds vitality.
>Its carbon acts as a motor stimulant.
>Its hydrogen activates the sensory nervous system.
>Its calcium strengthens and builds the lungs.
>Its phosphorus knits the bones, stimulates and builds the brain for clearer
>Its sodium encourages tissue building.
>Its magnesium acts as a blood alkalizer.
>Its iron builds the red corpuscles to rapidly correct the most common forms
>of anemia.
>Its chlorine cleanses the blood plasma.
>Its silicon aids the thyroid for deeper breathing.
>The natural iron, copper, calcium, carbon, and hydrogen found in the
>sweetening supplies more building and cleansing material. It truly is a
>perfect combination for cleansing, eliminating, healing, and building.
>Hence, supplements are not needed during the diet and may actually
>interfere with its cleansing action.
>In the cleansing process, some people experience a tremendous stirring up
>and may even feel worse for several days. It is not the lemonade that
>causes the trouble, but what the lemonade stirs up in the system that
>causes our dizziness and other disturbances. Vomiting may occur under
>certain conditions; increased pain may be felt in the various joints of the
>body; dizziness may develop on certain days. If weakness develops at any
>time, it is the result of poisons circulating through the blood stream
>rather than a lack of food or vitamins. This diet gives a person all the
>vitamins, food, and energy necessary for the full ten days or longer in a
>liquid form. Rest and take it a little easier if you have to -although most
>people can go about their regular business without difficulty. Keep right
>on with the diet; don't give up or "cheat" by eating a little food or you
>may destroy the benefits.
>Even though the lemon is an acid fruit, it becomes alkaline as it is
>digested and assimilated. It is, in fact, our best aid toward proper
>alkaline balance. There is no danger of "too much acid."
Lemonade Diet
>Coming off the lemonade diet properly is highly important-please follow the
>directions very carefully. After living in a semi-tropical and tropical
>climate for many years, I find that people have increasingly turned to a
>raw fruit, nut, and vegetable diet. Following is the schedule for people
>who normally follow such a natural vegetarian diet:
>Several 8 ox. Glasses of fresh orange juice as desired during the day.
>The orange juice prepares the digestive system to properly digest and
>assimilate regular food. Drink it slowly. If there has been any
>digestive difficulty prior to or during the change over, extra water
>may be taken with the orange juice.
>Orange juice in the morning. Raw fruit for lunch. Fruit or raw
>vegetable salad at night. You are now ready to eat normally. For
>those who have characteristically lived the unnatural way of meat,
>milk, refined and devitalized food, it may be best to change over as
>follows, gradually adopting the raw fruit, nut, and vegetable diet:
>Several 8
oz. Glasses of fresh orange juice as desired during the day.
>Drink it slowly.
>Drink several 8
oz. Glasses of orange juice during the day-with extra
>water, if needed. Some time during the afternoon, prepare a vegetable
>soup (no canned soup) as follows:
>Use several kinds of vegetables, perhaps one or two kinds of legumes,
>potatoes, celery, carrots, green vegetable tops, onion, etc. Dehydrated
>vegetables or vegetable soup powders may be added for extra flavor. Okra or
>okra powder, chili, curry, cayenne (red pepper), tomatoes, green peppers,
>and zucchini squash may be included to good advantage. Brown rice may be
>used, but no meat or meat stock. Other spices may be added (delicately) for
>flavor. Use salt delicately as a limited amount of salt is necessary. Learn
>to enjoy the natural flavor of the vegetables. The less cooking the better.
>Have this soup for the evening meal using the broth mostly, although some
>of the vegetables may be eaten. Rye wafers may be eaten sparingly with the
>soup, but no bread or crackers.
>Drink orange juice in the morning. At noon have some more soup: enough may
>be made the night before and put in the refrigerator. For the evening meal
>eat whatever is desired in the from of vegetables, salads, or fruit. No
>meat, fish, or eggs; no bread, pastries, tea coffee, or milk. Milk is
>highly mucus-forming and tends to develop toxins throughout the body.
>(Milk, being a predigested food, has been known to cause various
>complications in the stomach and colon, such as cramps and convulsions. The
>calcium in milk is difficult to assimilate and may cause toxins in the form
>of rheumatic fever, arthritis, neuritis, and bursitis. The resulting lack
>of proper digestion and assimilation of the calcium allows it to go into
>the blood stream in a free form and it is deposited in the tissues, cells,
>and joints where it can cause intense pain and suffering.)
>Normal eating may be resumed, but best health will be retained if the
>morning meal consists of our type of lemonade or fruit juice: and, of
>course, if a strictly fruit, vegetable, seed and berry diet is followed.
>If, after eating is resumed, distress or gas occurs, it is suggested that
>the lemonade diet be continued for several more days until the system is
>ready for food.
>Recap of the steps to be taken in the diet. Be careful to read the entire
>instructions so that the diet will be of the best benefit to you. First
>prepare yourself mentally to follow in detail the entire directions and
>continue as long as is needed to make the necessary changes. One of the
>best signals of the completed diet is when the formerly coated and fuzzy
>tongue is clear pink and clean looking. During the diet it becomes very
>badly coated.
>The Night Before starting the diet take the laxative tea.
>In the morning take the salt water (or) laxative tea. This should be done
>each night and morning during the diet-rare exception-if diarrhea develops.
>When diarrhea is ended then continue above directions.