Well Telman is right --Here are 2 posts from the Healthboards page under liver disorders anwering an OP of his pain under his rib cage---------------------
Newbie (male) Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 6
Re: Pain Just Below the Ribcage
Welcome to my world!
I have had pain below my rib cage on the right side for the last 7 years. I have had Ultrasounds, CT Scans, Hida Scan...
My Hida Scan numbers came back at 4%, which is very low. So I had my Gallbladder removed even though I didn’t have traditional symptoms.
One year later, that annoying pain is still there. Might even be a little worse since my surgery.
I have had some liver enzyme issues thinking maybe something is wrong with my liver creating the pain. But, my numbers are very low and track up and down. If it was liver, it would have to be really swollen and my numbers do not reflect that.
The pain after awhile makes me feel like a hypochondriac, guess I should just live with it at this point.
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#4 03-05-2006, 07:59 PM
Newbie (female) Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: chattanooga tn
Posts: 2
Re: Pain Just Below the Ribcage
i know what yall are talking about.i just strated having pain in my right side about 4 weeks ago.but now there is a med size lump under my ribcage.and i dont know what is going on i am going to the dr in a few days to see if he can find out what is going on with me i am only 33 years old and i had my gallballder took out last year.so i know it cant be that.is any one eles out there got a lump under you ribcage on the right side?and i have a lot of pain also on the same side if there is anyone out there know what is going on will u please let me know thanks....lisa
These people have no idea to do a
Liver Flush but they will live with clogged livers intill ?