Thanks Eric - I can do that!
I'm on a yeast free,dairy and grain free diet but occasionally, I have corn chips or a millet pizza.
Amalgams were removed 15 years ago but just a few years back, Idiscovered that my"holistic" dentist left a drill bit in a
root canal 20 years ago! I'm sure this was one of my original health problems which continued to weaken me. After removing the
root canal and tooth, I discovered Dr. Shoemaker who addressed some mold problems, but his treatment worsened my leaky gut and I began having more anxiety issues. So, I underwent dioxychlor IVs, after which my adrenal fatigue worsened. After much needed
Iodine was added, I developed reverse t3 which was later corrected. Last year, I addressed the metals with 2 rounds of DMPS chelation which improved my anxiety but then candida and
parasites came back with a vengeance.
Recently, I began adding
Clarkia , sambucha, olive leaf,oil of oregano and allimed. Additionally, I take various a-z vitamins, minerals and omega3, MSM, alpha lipoic and lots of C.
Would love more input!
Recently, I used MSM, alpha lipoic and c with noticeable improvement.