Hi all - I have been reading the threads on here for a few months now and thought it was about time I shared my experiences with you and maybe help people who are thinking of doing a
Liver-Flush but are just putting it off for one reason or another. Just like I did.
My 1st
Liver-Flush was at the end of April and the one thing I was dreading was the EVOO, after squeezing 2 pink GF's into a jug and then thru a sieve into the
OO (Olive-Oil) I was amazed how the mixtures emulsified and I personally found it quite palatable although it would not be my choice of a pint at my local pub! The results I found were incredible as I could not believe this 'stuff' was inside of me, I produced hundreds of tiny gravel like stones and not many green pea sized - anyhow I was determined to continue and couldn't wait to do the next one. The ES is not the best taste in the world but I have tasted worse!
I then did #2 a couple of weeks later, couldn't wait for the EVOO, now I was not frightened of this mixture - The results were very different, probably anywhere between 250 and 400 predominately pea size stones with a number of light brown coloured ones.
#3 was last w/e and I now feel a bit of a veteran (BTW I started #2 & 3 at work on Friday) and this time the stones were all green some slightly larger than pea sized with a total of about 100/150.
Following #2 I had a
colonic (6th one in 15 months) and was told that it was a good session and I would probably not require my next one until september.
On top of this I also oil swish every morning for 10 mins, I know it should be longer but I really don't have 20 mins in the morning to swish oil on top of all the other things I need to do include fight with London traffic!
To finish I think this is a great site with some fantastic advice, I for one have learnt lots of things and will continue to use it on a daily basis. So if you are still thinking about doing your 1st
Liver-Flush - GO FOR IT - I wish I did it years ago and I am 42 in the summer.