I assume that you are here to get support for your intended
Liver Flush but are lacking the faith or evidence to overcome some irrational thoughts that you have about the process.
There are people's messages in the archive whose ultra-sound examination has shown that stones have disappeared after flushing. However, it isn't as straight forward as that because many stones do not reveal themselves under ultra-sound. Also people who have had a thickened gallbladder wall caused by stones have seen it return to normal under ultra-sound, after a series of flushes over quite a lengthy time period.
I do have a copy of a lab certificate which gives a positive gallstone result:
In my opinion the risks involved in
Liver Flushing are far less than those of having a gallbladder removed which according to statistics released by the UK has a fatality rate of around 1 in 250, although this includes all operation including emergencies. The success rate of gallbladder removal can be very disappointing with 2 out 5 people having no change in their condition or the condition returning in a year or two. This is because gallbladder problems are an indication that the liver isn't working properly. The liver flush, which as it name implies cleanses the liver as well as the gallbladder.
If you overcome you apprehension and decide to flush then you join a growing number of people who are reaping the rewards of their personal commitment to their own health.