I have a question after reading Getting The Mercury Out. This book is kinda new, so I don't know if people here have read it yet, but its the chelation memoir of the woman who blogs at
The book kind of blew me away, there was so much i identified with. She really captured the esence of what its like to be mercury poisoned on an emotional level, the daily struggle to stop mercury taking over your brain. I highly recommend it, it was really well writen. I got so much out of it, I learned a lot and it gave me hope because she made a full recovery.
My question is she says she chelated with ALA at 100 mgs after just a few rounds at a low dose. Is that something that happens a lot ? Mostly I read on the forums people saying they are on 6 mgs or even 3 mgs for a long time, and having a hard time incresing the dose.