I posted this in these forums because ChemTails can cause many symptoms
The first time I posted this it got scrambled. I hope it works this time!
FOCUS – To gather people together to do whatever it takes to stop ChemTrails
MISSION STATEMENT - We will not rest until all ChemTrails are stopped and the people responsible are held accountable for this genocide
Local chapters congregate, first Sunday of every month at 11am, awareness rally. Stop moving for 1-2 minutes to punctuate and gain attention by doing nothing. Sit ins.
1. Time it as people are arriving/leaving church
2. Wear gas masks, hazmet suits, tin foil hats,
ChemTrail costumes
3. Point to the sky, look mad as hell, drag-ass, hang dog look, sick
4. Followed by brainstorming/motivational meetings
Join your local chapter. If you don’t have a local chapter, make one!
Theme song ‘Something in the Air’. Rerecord and release with new words
KISS website – clean simple easy to read and use.
Petition – Stop the Jet Aerosol Spraying NOW!
Short letters to copy and paste to send to the editor of newspapers
Longer articles to publish on websites and magazines.
Different strengths of content and details
Bumper stickers, posters and fliers KISS!
Educate yourself – the sky really IS falling! Chicken Little finally proven right!
GET MAD AS HELL! Apathy will get you nowhere, except an early grave
Photo contest – art shows
1. Photos with landmarks and trails
Art of
Statue of Liberty
1. Faltering, with trails in the sky
2. On her knees, hobbled by Bush with Obama ready to swing the axe to chop off her head.
3. Trails forming a noose
4. people as bugs being sprayed
5. sheep- head down not paying attention to the trails in the sky
6. red circle with trail running through saying chemtrails (cloudlike) ‘no spray’ sign
Download photos and art. Name, location and date
UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL....has never been as true as it is right now!
ChemTrails = Genocide
There are so many worthwhile issues but all pale in comparison to ChemTrails
Somebody died today because of ChemTrails
ChemTrails Kill
Look up. Wake up.
Every voice counts and every single person makes a difference
Mass Murder, The Death of Many Nations
‘It’s time for the Great Culling of the Useless Eaters’ That would be you and me
ChemTrails not real?
1. You are betting your children’s lives on it
2. Imagine. What if? What if it were true?
3. Imagine the unimaginable because it’s true.
4. Unfathomable? To us but a brilliant idea to some
5. Believe the unbelievable. It’s true
6. The truth is more unbelievable than Science fiction
7. Much stranger than fiction
8. Educate yourself. Google ChemTrails
Stay focused on accomplishing our goal – to STOP ALL JET AEROSOL SPRAYING NOW.
Stay motivated. Everything depends on it. Literally.
Don’t get caught up in defending our position or trying to prove the existence of ChemTrails. We know they are real and for that there is no debate. Look at those who disagree with pity, for their children are suffering.
There are only four reasons why someone would have strong negative view points.
1. Knee jerk reaction based on assumptions rather than research
2. They have been brainwashed and will suffer terribly when they realize that they allowed this to happen to their children and all humanity
3. They have been threatened to keep them quiet
4. They are on the payroll to debunk
What to say when people attack
1. Discern which of the above is most likely to be true. ‘You must have done a lot of research on the subject to have such a strong opinion. I’d like to see what you use to prove your position.’
2. Educate yourself before you stick your foot in your mouth
3. Take your foot out of your mouth and your head out of the sand (or ass, depending on how aggressive you feel at the time... :)