So funny that you say "just lingers, could cut it with a knife"
I once had a girl tell me that. We were hanging out, she mentioned she smoked marijuana and asked if I mind if she smoked some inside the car we were in. It was her car so I said I didnt mind and all the windows were open.
Thats when she said she knew a girl or guy whp was her roommate and smelled bad. The smell was so strong that you could "almost touch it"
She then proceeded to reach out her hands and touch the invisible air and rub her pointer finger and index finger together as if she had just touched dust and was feeling the texture of it between her two fingers.
WELL 3 YEARS AFTER THE FACT I finally realize what sge meant. Eh kinda glad I wasn't alert enough to catch her little comment or drift.
I never knew how bad the smell actually was.
Its terrible apperently.
Im looking into alternative possibilities such as possible demonic infestation of the body causin diseases like BO and BB
A man went on curezone and talked about how he never believed in evil spirit until they entered his life pretending to be good spirits and caused him a lot of pain and harrassment.
""Whenever I went outside, there was always somebody stocking or otherwise playing with my mind. When I was in my first-floor apartment in Santa Monica, I heard people outside my window laughing, making fun of me."
"Sensing a deliberate persecution by an organized gang I left the country."
I find it very interesting how both his and our experiences are the same in that area. You can find this quote at the end of the 17th or 16th paragraph down.
Its necessary we stop thinking this is all physical.
A lot of people report stress being the begining to their
Body Odor and bad breath. Sp obviously this isnt all about eating badly or not extercising.