For what it is worth to anyone, I can state now that my DF did no good at all that I can perceive at this point. I flew into it to get some relief from literally constant urination, and by the third day I had managed to urinate an average of only once every two hours, which is as a round-the-clock average about half of what it usually is. But this does stand to reason - I was taking in no fluid. The night of the day I broke fast was as bad as my usual nights - up to urinate often ten times in an hour, scalp and anal itching constantly, hives and rashes breaking out with welts all over me, insomnia. My belief is that much of this is caused in me by treatment-resistant candida, which is why I do not recommend a 3-day DF as a "candida cure", as some people (well, one or two) hold it out to be. Because I feel that I still have severe candidiasis, I feel that the DF did nothing for candida at all. Even if one forgets about candida in my case, and postulates some sort of chronic inflammation and/or chronic release of histamine and/or auto-immune disorder, if it is one of those things going on with me, DF did nothing for it.
I'm not knocking DF for those who want to try it and I abhor its being co-opted by god-ists, just as I regret that raw-foodism, fruitarianism, and urine fasting are often sullied by references to religious texts. I want people who are interested in seeing what DF can do to feel not apprehensive about it, considering that it was a breeze for me, but I also felt it needed to be said that "getting to 72" is by no means the cure-all or (for me) cure-anything or any kind of Ultima Thule you need to try to see what awaits you at the end of it in terms of transformation of your health. I got that attitude myself from reading the weirded-out, over-the-top Absolute Fasting testimonial on the Fitness Through Fasting site, where someone goes through this amazing, scary, esoteric ordeal and emerges (according to that one webpage) "candida-free. My testimony as a "witness" is that that stuff about trial-by-fire ordeal is nonsense, and so is the "health benefit" claim. Obviously in saying these two things I am judging by the only knowledge I can draw upon, which is my own empirical experience to date.
However, I reiterate that this forum will really be the test; now that it exists, we will be able to see whether over time it fills up with inspirational "success stories" (have you ever noticed how the
Water Fasting forum and the site are quite skimpy and sparse on these?) about people's real-life, lasting results from DF....or not. This is what we need, this forum, to see how valid it is as a healing modality. Or an ascetic practice in its own right - it may have more value simply as that. And it only takes ONE inspiring success story, really, to persuade a desperate person to try something s/he has never tried, so remember from me that it's quite safe, at least to go 72 1/2 hours!