why strange? if they did, ( and they may well have) they were certainly being 'fed' from another source. This takes some preparation, and a deep devotional connection...imv.
That is, it's not an 'exercise' or 'body building' thing.
Hope this isn't too Off topic for this forum--and it is, of course, but I ran across something I think you, WY might be interested in (in your non-fasting times). Note the ref. to sciatica.
Note also, it's still technically the new moon (day three, and would be a good time to make a horseradish oil, with coconut oil. or just grate a compress, simple enough...you can google Schulze or Christopher's Herbal Legacy Newsletter, or the Natural Healing forum if interested...
"Horseradish preparations can also clear lung problems, coughs and asthma. Try it for such conditions and you will see that it is an immediate and very effective expectorant, cutting mucus and allowing you to eliminate it. Similarly it works well in respiratory ailments related to allergies, such as hayfever. You can make an infusion, sweetened with a little honey, for persistent coughs.
You can use horseradish for rheumatic and arthritic conditions. It stimulates the mucus surfaces throughout the entire body. Take the sweetened, warm infusion as required, and you can also grate the fresh root, warm it gently, and apply it to the affected surface, covering it with plastic to protect your clothing and bedding. The historical herbalist Culpeper said, “If bruised and laid to a part grieved with the sciatica, gout, joint-ache or hard swellings of the spleen and liver, it doth wonderfully help them all.”
*** as to the "absolute fasting" -- I'm thinking it doth do a person good to have first a good (lengthy?) experience with straight water fasting. Then, I'm thinking a solid madiation practise would serve one well. . theis would be where the call form God comes in.. .Three days has always been the 'magic number'. It's a gate.