As always...FIRST, physician do NO harm.
Yes, there are some videos (from the Natural Healing Crusade) that can easily be found online. And I NEVER suggest anybody that doesn't have their head around natural healing to watch them first!!! That crusade IS a "crusade" (in the truest, pulpit slamming, charismatic sense of the word)...and the people that attended it were already well-versed in Schulzes teaching and protocols. For people that aren't well-versed, it can EASILY push them away, rather than "draw them to"!
The SYL set is very professional and designed for people that are just learning - that, and the movie I suggested are the ONLY things I suggest for 'starting out'. I've seen WAY too many people pushed away by
Dr. Schulze s "charisma" and harshness in the Natural Healing Crusade (and some of things on
Dr. Schulze s website are also like that) to ever recommend them to newbies.
Sometimes it seems when we become enlightened to the truth of all this, we forget what it was like before we knew & understood. Or perhaps we've always been enlightened to the truth and have no idea what it's like to be bound by modern medicine. But that doesn't absolve us from knowing & understanding the truth of this world ("to whom much is given, much IS required). Take Alyssa's parents for example...
Ever since she's been diagnosed (likely a few years ago with Charcot-Marie-Tooth ), her parents have known she has an "incurable disease". If they've been 'good parents' (as they likely have), they know how the disease will progress, what to expect (and how to prepare her for all these inevitable "limitations")...and if they're really 'good parents', they will likely have considered that when she 'comes of age' and starts to grow into adulthood, that's she's likely to be harmed, victimized and have her emotions brutalized by all kinds of 'herbal quacks' & 'snake oil salesman' that will attempt to play on her emotions, promise her that she can be healed, get her hopes up, and then leave her (and possibly them) destitute, penniless and emotionally worse off than she/they ever were before.
So assuming she needs her parents support, it is IMPERATIVE that she handle this responsibly, logically and wisely...because if they respond with "no" (without having taken the time to see the videos/manual/movie that are most designed especially to enlighten people to the fact she CAN be healed), that "no" is likely to become more & more strong & emphatic the more she learns and talks about it. I know of very few, caring parents that will change their mind about something this serious once they've said 'no' about something they think is protecting their crippled/disabled child.
We cannot expect grown adults/parents that have never been exposed to the truth of all this to "cut through the BS pretty quick"...ESPECIALLY when they are likely very sure that it is IMPOSSIBLE for their precious daughter to ever be healed. Alyssa needs to have the BEST information that's available and she needs to handle this very responsibly & wisely - it's very possible her life depends upon it.
Dr. Schulze s Blog/website? I realize many haven't likely had the time (or inclination/need) to have reviewed all the past posts & truth on this forum regarding 'new vs old Dr. Schulze'...but the Dr. Schulze we see now does not offer the same information as he originally taught & used when he was doing clinical work. Besides, his clinical work stopped over 20-ish years ago, so unless he's been working clinically somewhere on the sly (not), we know that he likely hasn't had the time or experience to keep-up with today's newer & harsher challenges. For example, in his latest blog (Gallstones), he says that his 5-day liver cleanse will rid people of
Gallstones if they stop doing what makes them have
Gallstones (eating meat/dairy)...and that it should only take one cleanse (maybe two-ish). But there are dozens of reports on CZ of this not being the case (I've helped many of them 'through the temporary crisis' of getting things 'stirred up but not out' myself). Besides, as much as I understand about all the various reasons for being vegan while healing, I am SURE that the only cause of
Gallstones is NOT soley meat/fats (like he says on the blog). ANYTHING that compromises the liver (pharmaceuticals, otcs, cigarettes all variety of chemicals in the foods & environment, eating ground-up rocks and many various supplements, etc) cause liver compromise/malfunction that leads to stone formation.
The original SYL videos are available as a Torrent download (from what I've heard) if one wants to take the legal risks and has the ability to download & burn them.
Everyone on this forum that knows me, knows that I am NOT "about the money" (and never will be). But I've learned some very harsh/hard lessons (all at the expense of MANY people's health) about "giving away" products, time & knowledge. It all culminates into the one thing my mentors (and many other advanced healers know) and tried to teach me...and that is that people MUST be given the opportunity to learn, take responsibility for, and prioritize their OWN health & healing! (Schulze paraphrase)---> "Sympathy comes between schitt & syphilis in the dictionary, and never ONCE in my clinic did I see sympathy heal anyone - in fact, it made them worse".
Frustratingly, virtually every person in this world will prioritize a monthly cable/satellite payment, high-speed connection, snacks/junk food, computer/tech gizmos, eating out, private clubs & lessons, socializing, clothes, and spending all kinds of money on things they think they 'need' that are TOTALLY non-essential...and these people actually believe they can't afford healing DVDs/whatever, or they refuse to prioritize getting them as soon as their inner-voice tells them they need them.
Of course, it's fine for healthyartist (or anybody else) to be willing to 'gift them', but it's ultimately Alyssa's RESPONSIBILITY to get them as soon as she needs them (if that's what she desires)...and learning how to be responsible for her own life & health IS the very first thing she (or anybody else) has to learn to do!
So, we all need to understand (very VERY much), that many (many!) times in this totally topsy-turvy, unhealthy & unnatural world, that commonly 'gifting something' IS the same as telling someone "this has no real value" (or it's what they really believe)...and that by gifting, we may actually be enabling, disempowering and weakening others with our sympathy or 'gifting', because we're stealing away an important opportunity for them to learn how to take responsibility for their health and how to prioritize what is important, real and integral to their very life.
(And while I'm on this subject, let me share with y'all that this 'gifting issue' has been my HUGEST learning curve so far on my pathway! And there are many people that have suffered greatly due to my inability and refusal to learn & believe the time-honored truths of 'sympathy weakening others' & 'gifting being disempowering'...and, I promise you, making mistakes in that regard and harming someone elses health because of it, is NOT a burden any of you want to carry. I think this lesson is hardest for those that have been truly impoverished...with absolutely nothing that could possibly be sold or done to meet their true needs. But I'm sure y'all know, it's a RARE person in that situation (that has no computer, cable/satellite subscription or tv, stereo, and no ability to rake yards or clean garages/attics, etc).
There have been MANY times when our Apothecary has 'gifted' so much that we fell behind in our bills for months, have barely been able to replace Apothecary inventory and couldn't afford to buy the healthy food we need for ourselves...because (of course) there we "knew" there are people that truly cannot afford even the smallest amounts of anything. Other than 3 instances, we found we had erred substantially. We now pray & meditate very deeply for discernment (as well as using other tools) BEFORE "gifting". We take every aspect of our responsibility as stewards of our Apothecary (and this forum) more seriously than anything else in our life. Consider: when you/we (anybody) 'gifts' something that someone else needs, in order for there to be a healthy balance there needs to be a healthy EXCHANGE...if that's not money, it needs to be something else. (Of course, I'm not talking about holiday/birthday gifts and surprise presents here :)
Another thing when it comes to 'minors living at home' (and even those that are not minors that are still dependent upon their parents). One of the THE most effective ways for a minor/dependent to help their parents to realize just how serious they are about something (and how responsible they are becoming) is to make a few tangible sacrifices and put out some serious effort to get what they want. "I just downloaded this for free on the net" or "my kooky friend with the herbs gave this to me", and I want you to watch it... -VS- ... "I saved my allowance for two/three weeks" or "I canceled my cable/satellite; took back that 'xyz' for a refund; didn't go to the movies/socializing this & last weekend; pulled weeds & cleaned garages, or did extra tasks around the house/yard", so I could get this very important/valuable information, and would you please watch this with me? Which situation is going to help a skeptical parent that's fearful for their child's welfare, to say "yes"? :)
When dealing with diseases that are 'incurable' that will cause a lifetime of being crippled & disabled (and all the lack of freedom & lack of independence that goes with that), shortcuts are not what I suggest or recommend...especially when this young woman is likely at the mercy of her parents for the healing of her own body.
I hope NOone thinks that I'm in ANY way dissing or attacking chiontherainbowbridge or healthyartist (or not understanding Alyssa or her situation). This thread gave me an opportunity for me to get some very good 'healing truths' into print for EVERYone's consideration.
Blessings aplenty -