This is the theme of curezone. I remember how excited I was 3 yrs ago when I discovered this website. I had spent the previous 20 years getting sicker and sicker using allopathic doctors and their wide range of drugs. Finally I woke up and realized the insanity of this approach. I kept doing the same old things over and over, expecting a different outcome. When nothing changes, nothing changes.
So if you click on my avatar you will see all of the changes I have made over this 3 yr period. Today I am a totally different person as I have received so much healing. Healing naturally requires much patience, strength and perseverence.
This will be my last post here on Curezone. I have learned so much about healing the body, mind and spirit with natural healing. The
parasites support forum has changed alot since I first got here almost 2 yrs ago. I am finding it very tiresome to constantly defend the use of herbs on a forum dedicated to the use of herbs. This was why the forum got seperated in two in the first place. I have never gone onto the
parasite Drugs forum and started telling them all they should be using herbs. I respect their space and choices.
I read the
parasite drugs forum frequently. I don't see much hope there. Not very many success stories. Everyone crying out where they can get this or that drug. Many have been there for years and years and still in the same boat.
There is no quick fix for killing
parasites and healing the body. They die in layers. I have a friend who is an herbalist. She told me I will need one month of cure for each year I was sick. I was sick since the age of 4. Very sick since the age of 20. I was 45 when I started healing myself. So 41 months to get healed. I would say I am right on schedule.
I just feel like I have shared all I have to share. My advice to many who are struggling with their health is to check out the Natural Healing Forum. Uny is the forum owner and IMHO she is really helping people to heal. She just says it like it is and has a good positive group of supportive members who follow along.
My life today is full. I have returned to work, family, socializing, hobbies, travel and working out. So I need to continue my journey in the most positive and productive manner so that I can continue to help others heal.
Heaps of Blessings!