I don't know, but in general,
men, and especially doctors that are also men,
and especially doctors that are men from cultures that are even more male dominant than the US,
frequently want to be the person who makes the diagnosis.
Therefore, I would not go in with strong assertions of what you have, but rather questions and symptoms that you are hoping he can finally determine for you. The questions and symptoms must obviously be very likely to support a diagnsis of worms or at least the testing for them.
But for them to hold their mind open long enough to even consider the idea, you might do bettr to not go in and tell them anything. Only ask and indicate that you have these symptoms and have seen in some places where some of them symptoms seem like the might possibly be, etc.
That is my current hypothesis--which I think a lot about since I have to go see 2 male doctors next week. One of whom is from a more male dominant culture and one who is from Canada, English ancestry both very knowledgable and specialists. I am hoping one of them will "come up" with the possiblity I should be tested for worms.
Great good luck, Cuzjay420!!!!
I say always go unless it is way expensive, because possibly someone will be a good doctor and listen and help. The more you see the more likely you will see one that is. (That is easier for me to say in Canada where it doesn't cost the earth to see one.)