i know im annoying with all these posts but i am really at the end of my rope. everyone seems concentrated on the candida yet they ignore my pleas to answer why i have both CHRONIC BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS AND CANDIDA AND RECTAL ITCHING. my bones are hurting my head is throbbing . ive been on a diet for quite some time. ive taken garlic pills. probiotics. metrogel. diflucan. other topic things which have no use. i need to know a good doctor who specializes in these things. ive put so much of a burden into my mother with all these things but they dont go away. every night i think of suicide. please help me anyone message me . has anyone ever recovered or this website just used for people to make you buy a product because so far all these candida "experts" just seem to wanna sell you some revolutionary product for thousands of dollars. is doctor biamonte good ? is doctor truss good ? do any
parasite cleanses work ? im going for a CAT SCAN on monday for my right side abdominal pain. im only 16 and im dealing wl these things . please help me