I drank 8 to 10 my first fast, have gout fact drank even more some days thinking was dehydrated when started to feel faint and dizzy when getting up and when walking around.It was horrible to feel like faintint all the time was scared to leave the house.
Then figured it out. On fast you don't need much water at all unless you are working very hard in hot type environments. Digestion which isn't happening on juice or
Water Fasting takes a lot of water as well.
So drinking all that water is flushing out all potassium and sodium from your system and likely other things as well. When my potassium got low then started getting muscle cramps. Heart is a muscle and when it cramps up..well its heart attack time! NOT GOOD! So took potassium pills and they stopped the cramps. Sodium is important to keep blood pressure up. When it gets way low then your blood pressure falls off the map. And then you get super dizzy and fainting feelings when walking around not just when getting up quick.Also not good thing.
So you could take sodium pills,drink like I do on these longer fasts drink some high sodium drinks like clamato juice. Your choice or don't flush out all that sodium drink only when thirsy I drink maybe two to four glasses of water a day tops on this near 20 day fast.
I test my blood pressure and its been optimal around 120/75 usually its higher but its been getting lower as lose weight and down almost 60
pounds since first fast in january.This is second fast.
So stop drinking that water. It might be too late anyway now and you might have to supplement or take a few days on juice. there are also smart water or something that might have sodium /potassium in it. If you get any muscle cramps you know right away you are low potassium and if you start feeing feint when just walking around not from getting up quick then you are very low on blood pressure and sodium.Again take pills or go to juice with sodium for a few days. Passing out and hitting your head could be fatal!
Great work on the fasting keep it up!