Keep busy. Go for walk,read novel, surf net, read old posts on here. Make the time go by. Watch dvds but not normal tv too many food ads!
Once day 3 or 4 is behind you the hunger vanishes.Then is much much easier.Thats why fasting is easier than low calorie dieting.On low calorie you are always fighting hunger but most people can't make it thru the first 2 or 3 days fasting to see the miracle.The miracle is hunder goes to zero. Mental addiction and cravings linger on. But they can be overcome. Just tell youself you will eat that recipe or food after your fast. And don't tell youself when the fast will end or just keep putting it off.! Fool yourself a little!
Seriously I even read recipes on my fast after first few days. I sort of eat vicariously if you know what I mean.
Also after fasting for a long time you can't just go out and eat some big dinner.You have to build back up to it.
Or you will pay the price. Huge stomach pain,etc.etc.