Well, I'm wondering if exostoses (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exostosis), particularly on feet, can result from iodine/iodide deficiency?
Any input would be highly appreciated! :)
Have you been chronically exposed to fluoride over years and years and years?
Interesting Q~ it seems that exostosis can absolutely be caused by fluoride poisoning....therefore if one were to suffer long-term, chronic fluoride exposure then yes, one would certainly be iodine deficient. So, "caused" by iodine deficiency? In a roundabout way, yes.
Here are a couple of links for you re: the connection between fluoride and exotosis:
"Bones are just as vulnerable to fluoride’s effects. Research has shown that fluoride can cause increased bone turnover and altered mineral metabolism, which may affect bone density as well as cause exostosis formation (the growth of boney masses). Also, small doses of fluoride ingested over a long period of time with normal calcium intake can result in osteosclerosis, which is the abnormal hardening of bone.8 Studies have also demonstrated that fluoride administration results in apoptosis (programmed cell death) in osteoblasts, which are the cells that synthesize bone, as well as down-regulation of the synthesis of the collagen proteins found in bone.9 Similarly, another study showed that low dosages of fluoride result in decreased viability of osteoblasts, and increased markers of oxidative stress including increased lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme activity in the osteoblasts.10
Furthermore, research has found an association between bone tumors and fluoride exposure. One study showed that serum fluoride levels were significantly higher in subjects with osteosarcomas compared to individuals with other boney tumors or healthy controls.11 Similarly, another study found that the incidence of osteosarcoma in males correlated with levels of fluoride in the drinking water during childhood.12"
i absolutely do not think so. each time i have upped my intake(been doing 600mg for about two weeks now), i have reached a new level of detox.
here is the problem. a study of the halogens reveals some very fundamental chemical characteristics. take a look at the periodic table:
the halogens(salt makers - column 17) are of different atomic weights. they are, from lightest to heaviest - fluorine(19), chlorine(35), bromine(80), and iodine(127).
in a 1:1 ratio, a lighter halogen will displace a heavier one. here is a great tutorial which allows you to do a virtual laboratory exercize.
granted, our bodies are not test tubes and the body has active processes which help it collect the right halogen, iodine, and reject the bad ones. but lets not get too complicated with this. you can see that in the presence of an abundance of the lighter halogens and a dirth of iodine, the lighter halodens will take the place of iodine. even with a small amount of iodine, say what the gov RDA calls for, the battle is lost in the presence of so much bromide and fluoride in our environment and diets. this has created demonstrable halogen imbalance in most people.
the body has a need for the halogen Iodine in many organs, glands, enzymatic processes - in fact, iodine is needed in every cell of the body. recent studies have put the body burden of a sufficiently iodinated person at about 1500mgs, or 1.5 GRAMS. it would be a miracle if someone has accidently reached full sufficiency in the modern societies. the japanese probably come the closest with a daily intake in their diets of from 13-43mgs per day, depending on what study you go by. this is 100's of times the USRDA.
given no choice, the body will use whatever halogens it has available. it is the fluoride and bromide taken up and used by the thyroid gland that is causing so many metabolism problems. and that is just one gland. the rest of the body is in the same dire straights. "lack of iodine is a promoter of cancer in the human body." dr. jorge flechas, md
to reverse this situation reqires two things. first is the avoidance of the bad halides fluoride and bromide. the "-ide" is the salt of the free element, "-ine". the terms get used interchangeably on this forum, the difference being of little clinical consequence(with exceptions, of course). clinical means basically the same thing as "in vivo"(in living) and as opposed to "in vitro" which is in a laboratory test tube and refers to the actual actions observed in a living subject. fluoride and bromide in high serum levels in the body produce pronounced effects on the brain as they are able to cross the blood brain barrier easily. they can also chemically displace heavier halides and be displaced by lighter halides(except that nasty fluorine, of course). bromide in the kidneys can be easiliy displaced by chloride, which is the reason for the salt pushes. chloride is also not nearly the problem that fluoride and bromide are because the body has other mechanisms for dealing with it. free chlorine is not so easily handled and can bind quickly with fat in the blood when inhaled and create plaque in the arteries in an astonishingly short amount of time, almost immediately, in fact.
the second thing that it takes to reverse or correct halide imbalance is a greater than 1:1 ratio of the heavier iodine. remember the chemistry of displacement in a 1:1 solution? this displacement of a heavier halogen with a lighter one can be mitigated by increasing the ratio in favor of the heavier halide. if a much higher concentration of iodine is in the body compared to that of fluoride and bromide, this chemical gradient can be stopped or even reversed. in conjunction with the body's biological preference for iodine, higher doses of iodine facilitates the displacement of lighter halides in the tissues of the body.
as i alluded to earlier, it appears that some tissues are easier to correct than others. bromide is easier to displace than fluoride. the thyroid is easier to correct than brominated stored fat. fluoride has a love affair with calcium, so it will be in the bone and teeth where higher concentrations over time are definitely needed. brominated fat seems to need the liquifying influence of iodine and the call for burning more calories than is taken in to break it apart and release the bromide stored there.
there are other reasons for getting up to the 50-100mg range of supplementation, but when it comes to plane jane full body sufficiency, it is necessary at first. in fact, "low dosing", as it is called, can actually do more harm than good. if you have organification or symporter problems you will never know it and your halogen picture will remain the same or become worse over time while youre thinking you are taking care of it.
Halogen Imbalance Syndrome (HIS) ~ by Vulcanel by wombat 4 year
Halogen Imbalance Syndrome (HIS)
HIS is a real phenomenon, which deals not only with whether we are short in Iodine (which most are), but rather with a more holistic view that the body is more healthy when there is a proper balance of iodine, bromine, chlorine and fluoride in the body.
People believe they're well informed and somethimes even hung up on calcium, magnesium, potassium supplements, etc. as relieving them from leg cramps, insomnia, etc. ; yet they completely ignore the four halogens in their lives, which reside on the other side of the periodic table. The main reason for this is that most people are programmed how to think by the Big Media moguls, who control what is printed and broadcast.
Ca, Mg & cet. are all electropositive elements, whereas the halogens Fluorine (F), Bromine(Br), Chlorine (Cl), Iodine ( I ) are all electronegative, with fluorine being the most electronegative, and most reactive) of all elements in the periodic table. Every day people drink tons of fluoride, bromide, and chloride in this country and globally. Yet, there is an iodine shortage. And chlorine, bromine, and fluorine can all take up residence in body tissues where iodine is normally supposed to be, because they are in the same element family in the periodic table, and have identical outer electron structures.
To ignore the electronegative elements and focus only on the electropositive may be a huge mistake.
Consuming elevated quantities of iodine in the short term may flush out excesses of fluorides, bromide, and chloride that are present in many body tissues. It can in many cases be desirable to eliminate the overpopulation of undesirable halogens, and put back the iodine where it needs to be. Once this is done, one only needs avoid excessive amounts of fluoride and bromides, and continue on maintenance amounts of iodine.
Iodine belongs to a class of elements called "halogens". In addition to Iodine, the common halogens are fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), and bromine (Br). Halogens form a single column of the periodic chart and all require exactly one additional electron to fill their outer electron shells. The halogens are diatomic molecules in their natural form; e.g., molecular iodine (I2), fluorine (F2), chlorine (Cl2), and bromine (Br2). Halogens are often found in salts. A salt is a compound that forms positive and negative ions when dissolved in water. The halogens have a tendency to form single negative ions when dissolved. The negative ion is called a halide ion; e.g., Iodide(I-), fluoride (Fl-), chloride (Cl-), and bromide (Br-). Halogens share many characteristics. For example, they are highly reactive and can be harmful or lethal in sufficient quantities. Fluorine is said to be the most reactive element in existence. Similarly, chlorine and iodine are both used as disinfectants for such things as drinking water, swimming pools, wounds, and medical equipment. They kill bacteria and other potentially harmful microorganisms. Halogens can combine with a variety of elements. Many synthetic organic compounds contain halogen atoms. Chlorine is by far the most abundant of the halogens, and the only one needed in relatively large amounts (as chloride ions) by humans. Iodine is needed in trace amounts for the production of thyroid hormones and for other purposes presently being discovered. On the other hand, it appears that neither fluorine nor bromine is essential for humans. In the body, the various halogens often seem to compete or affect each other. For example, Abraham and Brownstein have discussed how iodine is effective in detoxing fluorine and bromine. Similarly, perchlorate (a chlorine compound) blocks the NIS receptor for iodide.
Thank you very much for the info!
I guess I was exposed to chlorine in tap water when was a kid, as we didn't have a filter at that time. I'm 27 now and have been filtering my tap water for more than 10 years now but anyway...
I'm not sure about fluoridation of our tap water, who knows what they did and do today.
I remember that a bony lump started to grow right next to my Achilles heel when I was about 10-12 years old. Later on, when was 18-19 years old, I developed a bump on the top of my foot.
Well, I wonder how much iodine/iodide (Lugol) one needs in theory to get rid of exostosis? Perhaps, 100mg will be a good start. What do you think?
According to the info you posted, 100mg is a safe minimum...
Well, you don't even know whether or not your problem is caused by excess fluoride...and, even so, just because "possibly" you've been Iodine deficient because "possibly" you've been fluoride poisoned, that does not mean that achieving Iodine sufficiency will take care of the problem!
*if* you determine that fluoride is the causative agent, then there are ways to detox the fluoride, both with and without iodine:
Everyone needs iodine, IMO, I'm not trying to dissuade you. I just don't know that Iodine supplementation will take care of an exostoses.
Hey, google "iodine exostoses". There is a LOT of stuff in the old literature about TOPICAL iodine for exostoses. Here's an example(nix the mercury, BTW). Lugol's 5% OR Trapper's SSKI ought to do it:
Often the removal is not a matter of moment, as exostoses may be carried through life without much inconvenience; and the removal may be a hazardous undertaking, as when the tumor encroaches upon a joint whose cavity would become opened by the operation. If the circulation in an important artery is impeded, removal becomes desirable, and should be undertaken when there is reasonable hope of a successful result. Topical applications are often beneficial, and in the earlier stages, in the form of blisters and strong counter-irritants, often effect the removal by absorption. A strong tincture of iodine, or a solution of iodine in Iodide of potassium, is often very serviceable. The constitutional treatment, particularly when syphilis has preceded the affection, should not be neglected. Preparations of mercury may be cautiously administered, particularly the iodide, and iodine may be given in combination with potash or soda salts. When much pain is experienced, anodynes may be administered, either by the mouth or topically.
Well, it's a good idea anyway! I'll need to get an Iodine tincture for topical use.
BTW do you know if those tinctures can be substitutes for Lugol for the oral intake? They are much cheaper... :)
Most forum users use Lugol's, Iodoral, or nascent iodine (also called detoxified iodine or Atomidine). Please scroll to the end to read the post on Iodine vs. Iodide.
Formulation: Iodine 5% + Potassium Iodide (KI) 10% in distilled water. Traditionally used over the last 100 years. Stains badly, unpleasant taste, can cause gastric irritation. Can be used orally or applied to skin (painting). A "drop" is 6.5mg and two drops = approximately 12.5 mg (5 mg iodine, 7.5 mg iodide) or equal to 1 tab Iodoral. Due to recent FDA changes,Lugol's is now available in a lesser formulation..
The tablet form of Lugol's (5%). [Formulation: 5 mg iodine + 7.5 mg Potassium Iodide + colloidal silicon excipient + thin film of pharmaceutical glaze.] 1 tablet = 2 drops Lugol's = 12.5 mg iodine (5 mg iodine + 7.5 mg potassium iodide). Convenient, clean, easy to measure. More expensive than Lugol's
Atomidine One of the Edgar Cayce iodines. 1 drop (0.06 mL) = 600 mcg iodine (from Iodine Trichloride).
See IODINE SOURCES for more nascent iodines.
This form is given to protect people from radiation fallout. Potassium Iodide (KI) Potassium Iodide is a basic salt made of potassium and iodine. Its symbol is KI (K = Potassium, I = Iodine). It is a commonly available supplement and comes in various strengths; e.g., 225 mcg, 32.5 mg, 65 mg. The Iodide form is believed to be particularly useful for the thyroid. It is not the supplement of choice for the breast since the breast prefers “iodine” not “iodide.”
Not fot oral use. Good for painting or adding to bath water.
Not for oral use, contains alcohol. Could be used for painting.
Most elements don't occur alone in their elemental forms in nature, but rather are combined with others, common exceptions being gold, silver, copper, Elements in the first two columns on the left of the periodic table are metals, including sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, lihium, magnesium, calcium, strontium. But these are active metals, they like to give away an negatively charged electron and in so doing, themselves become positive ions, and are called "cations" . Meeeeoooooowww. (insert Cat Scratch Fever video here)
Elements of the halogen family in the penultimate right column on the other side of the periodic table, such as individual iodine atoms, are deficient in electrons and want to absorb one. When they absorb one, they become negatively charged ions, and are called "anions". They are so lonely, they will even pair up with one another and share some of their electrons, just so they can each have more electrons. This is why fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine exist as diatomic molecules, with two atoms comprising each molecule.
Now to answer the question.
There are two common forms of iodine. One is diatomic iodine, with two atoms comprising an I2 molecule. The other form is iodide anion, which has received an electron from another atom in the world. It could be a potassium atom. If you put potassium and iodine together, the potassium will give its electron to iodine and form a positively-charged potassium cation and a negatively-charged iodide anion, and you will have potassium iodide. When you do this, sparks fly, and I mean literally. Sodium chloride, which is table salt , is analogous.
Iodine exists in another form, which is called tri-iodide anion. This is made by combining one iodide anion with one diatomic iodine molecule. The resulting anion carries a single negative charge and has three iodine atoms attached to one another in substantially linear configuration. To balance the charge, a cation must be present, such as potassium.
When Lugol's is made, an aqueous soluiton of potassium iodide (LI) is prepared by dissolving KI in water, say ten grams KI in 85 grams water. Then, once dissolved, five grams of iodine crystals are added to the potassium iodide solution. The diatomic iodine adds to the iodide ions in the KI solution to form potassium tri-iodide, which is what Lugol's solution REALLY is.
Tri-iodide is stable, but when diluted it disproportionates back to iodide ions and elemental iodine. So, by ingesting diluted Lugol's iodine, a test subject will be provided with both iodied and elemental iodine.
The elemental iodine itself can react with water to form hydriodic acid and hypoiodous acid, and with potassium present there will be a complex mixture present, but one need not be too concerned with the equilibria associated with these. Suffice it, that Lugol's solution is REALLY a solution of potassium tri-iodide, which contains both iodide ions and elemental iodine, in a married form.
Studies have shown that elemental iodine seems to have benefits that iodide alone does not, I believe it was Ghent and Hill, while working in the Mimetix study.
from "Iodine, Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It" David Brownstein, MD
"It was thought that the intestinal tract could easily convert iodine to iodide, but research has shown this is not true. Different tissues of the body respond to different forms of iodine. The thyroid gland primarily utilizes ioDIDE....the breasts, on the other hand, primarily utilize ioDINE....
Because different tissues concentrate different forms of iodine, using a supplement that contains both iodine and iodide is preferable to using a supplement that contains only one form, As mentioned above, the breasts concentrate iodine. The prostate gland concentrates iodine. The thyroid gland and the skin primarily concentrate iodide. Other tissues, including the kidneys, spleen, liver, blood, salivary glands and intestines can concentrate either form. With different tissues responding to different forms of iodine, it would make common sense that a greater therapeutic benefit from iodine will be achieved by using a COMBINATION OF IODINE AND IODIDE. My clinical experience has proven, beyond a doubt, that a combination of IODINE/IODIDE (e.g., Lugol's or Iodoral) is much more effective than an iodide only supplement(e.g., SSKI and most other liquid iodide formulations)."