Yes, each of us, in light of our own circumstances, must do what we can based on information we have compiled, and with what we have to work with by way of resources. If I could afford tests, knowledgable practioners, etc., I would, perhaps, not be here gathering data and asking many questions!? It is a catch-22 of sorts, and I made mistakes when starting out, but did not have money to waste with too much experimentation. My illness has created a situation that means I will have to ask for help from my family to get just ONE tooth pulled, much less the mouthfull - was too ill to work for almost 2 years, and coming out of that is no overnight matter.
I am not experiencing anything drastic by taking 6 drops
SSKI for the better part of a month now, and with 8 amalgams. Perhaps there is damage being done, but if so, I cannot feel it. It may be too early to tell??? Maybe in my case I have done enough of the right things prior to starting
SSKI - like stopping ingesting tap water 5 years ago? Does this matter? I am not equipped to say, but it seems there has also been an advantage in focusing on building adrenal function for awhile before starting
SSKI - including the use of some supplements and herbs that I find out after the fact have had a gradual chelating effect? I may be completely wrong to follow my inuitive thought about SSKI - don't know. I am sorry it did not go well for you, and will consider all you say.
I do the best I can with what I have today, but in an IDEAL world I would ALSO have an OZONATOR, a RIFE MACHINE, and a whole house WATER PURIFICATION SYSTEM. Beyond all this I have an incredible spirituality that has brought me this far......