I am aware of RBTI or of the Biomedx terrain analysis kit.
People (and I include myself) are so out of touch with their physiology that they are aware that something is wrong with them when serious recurring symptoms like pain, skin rash, ... occur.
I would say that if someone as the inclination, the money, the time, the perseverance ... why not, buy a kit, study, experiment and learn about yourself. But then the person will have to act according to the observed measures. But who will meet all the conditions above?
Most newbie to A/A want an easy to follow formulation, one simple formula fits all kind of thing. Sorry, the magic pill does not exist.
For those who read enough posts on the AskMoreless forum will learn that the ML drink and baths have to be adjusted or tweak according to how one reacts to them. Isn't it good that people learn to get in touch with their body?
As for myself, pH paper is enough.
Here's what ML said about RBTI