I know firsthand how cayenne will stop bleeding, I've used it for that myself but now I KNOW just how fast it stops gushing blood from a very bad cut!
I was at work Friday, I had walked outside for a few minutes when a fellow employee comes out the door with a whole roll of paper towels wrapped around his hand, the paper towels were saturated with bright red blood and the blood was dripping all over the ground in a steady fast drip.
I ran for my car where thought I had both cayenne tincture and powder but I couldn't put my hands on the powder so I grabbed the tincture. I told him to take the paper towels away so I could douse the cut with the tincture but before he would let me he wanted to know if it was gonna hurt lol! I just looked at him and told him it wasn't going to hurt anymore than it already hurt.
I put two droppersful on it as fast as I could and watched the cut to see what the bleeding would do and it slowed in under a minute so I put another dropperful and it almost stopped the bleeding! I went across the street to a grocery store and bought a bottle of cayenne powder since I couldn't find mine because I know the powder is what we should use to stop bleeding. I told my friend to go inside and put a clean paper towel on it and wait for me. All the time I'm helping him he's asking me do I think he needs to go to the ER and of course I told him what I would do and that would be a big resounding NO!!!!!!!
When I got back with the cayenne powder, the paper towel had just a little blood on it from where he covered the cut with it. I packed the cut with the powder and put a band-aid on it. There were three or four people standing around watching all this telling my friend he needed to get to the ER right away and I'm saying no you don't! This guy knows about me and herbs because last summer I gave him some herbal snuff to use and it worked a miracle for him (another testimony for another time) so he knew if I said it worked, it worked and he believed me.
I think what finally got him to go to the ER was the fact that his arm had started aching and he was worried that he would get infected. I thought it had probably started aching because when he had a big rush of adrenalin he was too shocked to feel the ache. Anyway I told him that if it was me there was no way I'd put myself in the ER but that it was his body and he had to do what he felt was the best for him so he went.
I talked to him while they were soaking his hand in Betadine. He said when they saw how bad the cut was they asked him how he had stopped the bleeding. He told them about the cayenne and they said they had never heard of that! He said it was almost as if, if they hadn't seen the cayenne powder in the cut they wouldn't have believed him! They were shocked, especially when he told them it worked right away! He ended up getting six stitches and of course a round of antibiotics!
Uny told me one time that she had used the cayenne tincture to stop bleeding on a cut and it didn't work until she took it by mouth and it stopped it. The tincture worked on my friend but we're all different so I caution you to keep both on hand. If I would have had the powder I would have gone for that first but you gotta use what you've got on hand at the time! And the fact that is was regular HU cayenne didn't make a bit of difference to me at the time but the higher the HU the better. I'll not be caught without mine ever again thats for sure!
I'm tellin' ya folks, cayenne can save your life or the lives of those around you! I've restocked my car with both the tincture and the powder. I wish that everyone knew about it so they could keep it in their cars too!
Miracle healing blessings,
And thank you sweet Tom H! :)
Interesting he mentions childbirth trauma, because that was in the back of my mind when I mentioned stitches. I used to be a midwife, and sometimes there is a bad tear. I learned how to suture from a certified nurse midwife. I could make a pretty back stitch on a rump roast (teaching medium), but I *never* actually stitched someone up. I concentrated on giving the best, controlled perineal care I could so there wouldn't be a tear. I got pretty good. I'm not sure what the laws are now, but back then, only an RN or a CNM could do the actual tissue repair work.
I'll continue down the thread. I did bookmark this page. Thank you for the link, Britelite. :)
Yep, it truly is amazing just how fast cayenne works to stop the bleeding!
I'm also interested in what Uny will say but in the meantime, in the case of my friend had he chosen not to go to the ER I would have gone home and got my hot cayenne blend powder, Slippery Elm, Aloe Gel, BF&C oil & tincture and some butterfly bandages to fix him up good as new. I would have had to grab the SYL manual and all the info I have on healing wounds to find out which herbal preparation to use first but my 'gut' instinct when I saw how deep and how large the gap was, was that there was no need to get stitches and that the cayenne needed to stay on the cut for at least a couple of days. I might be a rare bird in that regard but I've read way too much from Dr. Christopher and Dr. Schulze to be freaked about whether or not it could be healed without stitches.
For my friends cut I believe I would have cleaned it really good then pushed the skin together and covered it with an ample amount of cayenne powder then applied a butterfly bandage. My instinct tells me that the cayenne does more than just stop the bleeding, it aids in healing the wound. I believe I would have kept cayenne on it for a couple of days then I would have gone on to the Slippery Elm and the B&C to aid in repairing/growing the skin if it even needed it. Heck, thats what I would do for anyone, my loved ones included.
I guess my confidence comes from having read the following interview from Dr. Schulze hundreds of times lol! That and the fact that I've seen my own cuts heal practically overnight using nothing but cayenne powder and I've never had a scar when I've used cayenne powder to heal a cut.
INTERVIEWER: How about first aid, and saving lives with cayenne?
SCHULZE: Cayenne pepper is, without a doubt, the number one first-aid herb. whenever you have a problem with blood - be it blood loss, disease, clots, or even stoppage - cayenne is the herb of choice. when you think of blood, in any situation, use cayenne.
INTERVIEWER: What do you mean, 'blood loss'?
SCHULZE: Exactly that. There is no other herb that stops bleeding faster than cayenne. I have used it for all types of bleeding, from cuts to internal hemorrhaging. I have had many patients run into my office with very deep lacerations, to the bone in many cases ---= that's right, I could see the exposed bone ---- and you pack cayenne right into the wound.
INTERVIEWER: Doesn't that burn like heck?
SCHULZE: That's the surprise. It doesn't burn at all. You think it would, and it does if you take a bath in it or rub it around the body but, on open, fresh wounds, it doesn't. There is so much trauma already with the cut or wound, you don't feel a thing.
I had a young woman who was putting her whole weight behind a jackknife. It collapsed on her finger; with all her weight behind it, and she almost cut her finger entirely off It was spurting blood and the cayenne sealed the wound in seconds. I had another lady who plunged her hand into soapy dishwater, only to discover a large broken glass that cut the tip of her finger right off We packed it with cayenne and there is not even a scar today
I had a man with a 12-inch slice in his leg about 2 inches deep. He would have needed a tourniquet and nearly fifty stitches. But, a few handfuls of cayenne pepper, and some tape, did the job.
Last year; when I was teaching in England, one of the students totaled his very small sports car in a head-on with a Range Rover.
Besides a few broken ribs and multiple bruises, he had a two-inch hole in his knee from the collapsed, broken dashboard that had pinned him in his car. This was in a very remote area of Northern England, and he was brought to the school by the police.
The first thing I did was flush the wound out. I always flush out fresh wounds with what I call an anti-infection tincture which has cayenne in it. I'll give this formula later. It not only begins to stop the bleeding, but it cleans, disinfects, and even seals the wound.
INTERVIEWER: But, won't cayenne clean and disinfect also?
SCHULZE: Absolutely It stops the bleeding immediately and, the high amount of vitamin A and vitamin C in cayenne also clean and disinfect. With any injury, remember to take cayenne, internally. However, cayenne stops the bleeding so fast --- in two or three seconds ----- and you don't always have time to clean a dirty wound; so, with some wounds, I flush them out first to cleanse them, then I apply the cayenne.
So, I flushed out the wound, and when it was clean, I could see patella ----- the knee cap ---- very clearly. We, then, dusted the wound with cayenne, and packed on a healing poultice. We took tape, and stretched the skin tight to keep it closed. Even I had my doubts with this one because there was so much skin missing. There was, literally a hole in his leg.
The next morning, I cleaned the area with hopes of doing the entire procedure over again, because the night before, we had to do this in a badly lit room, and I figured I had made a mess of it, and now wanted to do it right.
When we peeled back the bandage, the entire class was very surprised. The wound was totally shut, sealed, and looked like a minor cut.
There was a nurse who had assisted me the night before, and she said, that in all her years of hospital work, she had never seen a wound of this severity or, in fact, any wound, heal so quickly and with so little trauma to the area.
She said that she now believes that the majority of wound traumas she saw in the hospital were not caused by the injuries, but by the doctors in their cutting, debriding, endless cleaning, swabbing and disinfecting, and then, finally, their stitching. This was the first time this nurse had actually seen how fast and efficiently the body repairs itself, when no one interrupts nature, and when you use herbs.
Great question Wings! I would also love to know what Uny would do. ;-) I'm always ready to learn something new or correct something I might have wrong.
So..... what say you Uny?Willow
Be still, my fainting heart... j/k
No, I haven't seen this. Thank you! :)
Hey CornWallace,
How odd that you can't get on his website. Wonder why?
Anyway here is his blog, maybe you'll be able to view it.
Assuming I was at home with the 'perfect first aid kit' at the ready:
I'd let the wound bleed long enough to ensure it had been cleansed of any debris or toxins from whatever cut me and/or utilize Dr. Schulzes Anti-I for cleansing/disinecting (a fantastic formula we are working on now to 'duplicate', as he's never published the recipe for it). Cayenne IS a very powerful "disinfectant" all by itself:).
I would take a dose of Cayenne tinture internally and see how much that stopped the bleeding. I'd take another dose internally if it didn't stop the bleeding entirely. If that still didn't stop the bleeding, I'd pack the wound with Cayenne powder. When that settled down, I'd make a 'wet dough poultice' of Slippery Elm & Aloe gel and press that into and all around the surrounding tissue, then let that air dry...and keep that area dry. I'd continue adding Slippery Elm/Aloe as the original Cayenne, Slippery Elm/Aloe was absorbed into the skin (or was knocked off).
If the internal Cayenne did stop the bleeding, I'd mix equal parts Cayenne powder with Slippery Elm powder, and pack that into the wound. If needed, I'd add Aloe gel to get the powders to stick together and stay packed into the wound.
Packing the wound with only Cayenne powder is actually/likely sufficient. The wound would heal without scarring. However, having seen Slippery Elm regrow severely damaged and ulcerated tissue, I would use both if I could (once the bleeding was stopped). Once applied (and totally dry), a blend of Cayenne, Slippery Elm & Aloe gel (a cell regenerator!) would be so strong that it would likely cause there to be absolutely no need for tapes & bandaids. The drying of the poultice would "tighten & hold" :) Think about it, how long has there been tape & bandaids? People have healed wounds for centuries without either. Besides, if the wound 'pulled open' enough to bleed, that'd be a great opportunity to add a bit more Cayenne/Slippery Elm and 'glue it in'.
Of course, if the wound required tape to hold it closed, I'd tape it. But I honestly believe it would likely take a 'chain saw sized slice' for that to be necessary....something "they say" would require less than 20-30 stitches should be fine once the herbs have been added and the healing begun (within reason, of course). If it's a joint area where it's going to be constantly "pulled", I might 'tape it' for a day or two (but being the experimenter that I am, if it were my wound, I'd try it first without the tape).
Our body is hardwired to heal and restore itself. Given the right herbal assistance (and the herbs mixed with the blood that coagulates, knits & heals), most any wound is gonna be 'good to go' once the blood, Cayenne (and/or Slippery Elm/Aloe gel) has been mixed, applied, and the healing begun.
BF&C? Is likely not necessary at all...and I wouldn't add any type of oil to a fresh wound. If one wanted to take BF&C internally during the healing, that would be a great adjunct...and after the poultice was absorbed and/or 'fell away', if one wanted to apply a BF&C fomentation and/or BF&C oil that would be beneficial, if needed.
And other that yelling at Rocky to 'go get the camera' so I could get a 'photo record' of the entire process (or bleeding all over the house while I tried to find it and take pictures myself, lol), that's what Uny would do :)
Heal ON!
Thank you!
Yeah, I can totally see you yelling for the camera! lol
Blood doesn't freak me out, either. It never has. Guess I raised too many boys for that!
Interesting that you wouldn't reach for the BFC. Well, you and I both know from my personal experience that BFC is a wonder worker on contusions (bruises). For the new folks, I fell once and tore a groin ligament which bruised like a massive black eye! That bruise was raging purple and spread from my groin halfway down my inner thigh. I applied a wet poultice of strong BFC tea (at least 3 power, Uny, maybe seven). In just a few hours anyone could see where I had laid the wash cloth down on my leg and where I hadn't. So I think if it was me, I'd add the BFC treatment if there was brusing involved.
Another comment is that I have a long scar going down my left quad from my muscle biopsy ten years ago. It is a constant reminder of my diagnostic ordeal. It gives me the opportunity to practice forgiveness, because every doctor I have seen since said there was no reason to make an incision that big, and I told that surgeon in pre-op to make the incision as tiny as possible. Also, one of my sons wears his hair in a high and tight, and everyone can see his head scars. What if I had known about natural wound and trauma care back then?
This is so empowering. Usually, I think our first thought is to run to the ER for everything. I've done my fair share. But for me, it's more of wanting to know what the problem is... like, is there a bone broken? Once I know, I think I could handle most stuff at home. At the same time, I think we must become very well educated before we do anything irresponsibly or willy nilly.
Thank you, Uny, Willow, and all, for sharing your thoughts on this.