I have been vegan (apart from raw milk kefir) for about 6 months now and feel much better for it. But Im still a bit confused about what sort of carbs to eat and what to avoid. I never eat refined white carbs like pasta, bread, white rice or any processed stuff and I try and avoid gluten as it always seems to make me more bloated. What causes this sensitivity to gluten, is it conjested liver or damaged gut lining or both? So what sort of things can I include and what can I / should I pre soak?
At the moment most of my carbs come from quinoa flakes made into a porridge (should I pre-soak this overnight and if so do I drain the water and use fresh to cook it with?) for breakfast with some fruit. Also brown rice and organic brown rice pasta, was thinnking that the brown rice pasta might be a no no as I assume it is made from some sort of flour even though its 100% organic and has nothing in it appart from brown rice? can someone advise if this is okay or not? I see some of you use oat groates but would the gluten be a problem for me or does it behave differently in this more natural state?
I would also like to try millet and wanted to know if this would be okay and again would I soak it like the quinoa flakes?
Any advise gratefuly received.
kind regards