what is going on in the mind of man?
there are two doors and we are cought between?
How to get out?
Just abey one of the ten - which is that?
Is it the last one, that one, don't kill?
what happen to the others - you can ignore them and have them so that the laws not to kill will be the most terrible punishment forces of the world aggreed as a door to hell.
well done, fantastic justice, you can protect the world by being a police and Satan's judgment - keep the door close and no light and you can be free to break all the others laws and the hell in the soul, or an intolerable hate, distructive antinatural, Godless energy in the body.
Spend all youe afford just to that one law so that it keeps you from bursing into fire of hell and then blame for not having more of that one law - don't kill?
HOw nice one commandment we have just a door not to kill?
What about dying inside between the doors for the sake of lies, stealing, making men sexualiy sick for its forced deprivity of it and comdemnting it as its form of lust, owning things that others cannot live without them, hating for not loving as God shows us life to be loved and the the rest of the commandments that lead us to the door to God. what one has to do before that door will open to you? It was the first commandment before you intered inside the trap and now you want to get out from that door. What do we need, what laws? which one commandment you have to keep in order to have that door open for the light from life given by God?
I ask this questions for the wise men of the world for all I see is men disasters every where. Just keep the last law and think that you are, very nice who want to control to justice. Spending all the money and afford just to open that door to hell...oh how nice a way to die, you, men. called inteligent being. Why we don't spend the money and work for the first door or laws, as you like?
what about marriage and deforce - this happens, for the promise is made out of lies, a marriage to that last door to hell. How can you do not get back and deforce since you have not got marriad first of all but with laws of lies you call yourselves united - to whom?
My God, you are terrible people of satan that sees only the lost door before the fire of the hell and you call youselves responsible and need to be responsible and to be respectiveble just for the show of words writen as commandment, don't kill that ignores all the others and the first. Do you think that nothing is going to kill you, you children of Satan or you are liers. I hate the world you have made and I see in your heart full of ignorants to the rest of all the commandments - expecially to the first one, love God as that is you or yourselves, love others as you love God. Try to make laws from this love, try it and obey in you energy body motion consciousness awareness, and eternity.
Well, make the laws and many of them before the last door open to you because you have not loved at all as the first door was not meant to open as the last one.
Can we change the energy in us to become a creation from that first door then you have to change that evil laws which keep us in need to die and kill each others.
you are poor devils, how can you intertain Satan hunger to distroy us all. Better open eyes to God and words from him and no one can attack you unless with poison to make you ignorant and accept the selves distruction.
There is no life from eating lies and deception and useless and harmful and needless work or anything just to help you to get stoned and dumbed as a reward - a reward for a low energy that condemn you and to be put in the dark so that you distroy the world for hunger of false light. Fight my friend so you will win at the end and the door will be open to you - to where you belong with fire behind you oh you Satan, Oh you men have not seen light to see real life from what is realy given and now you are sick - how can we heal and be healed whenever we do not see with that energy of life? why you are so hungry and take that for a wise advantage - for ideas that invents just ways to kill and kill? it is because you think you are going to be safe sitting on king seat just ordering that hate of your life to other in order to be destroyed for you are in hell and can't share with others. who are you, a coward, it will come that when the last door will be open to share the hell you hate on us with you.
just painful reflection....