I have been on herbal parasides for 4 months now and have just started high does of COQ10 to target worms in my lungs, eye and respiratory system generally.
10 days into the COQ10 I developed flu like symptoms that have developed in to a really bad cold etc...rather than tailing off. last n ight was so bad I got up at 2am and had a steam tent with eucolyptus, menthol etc. on returning to bed I started to get burning/biting sensation in the middle of my back between shoulder blades. normally I get these in my gut when a
parasite is in its death throws. This burning sensation then moved across to my left lung. it repeats about every 10 seconds, sensation lasts about 1-2 seconds and is still going on 5 hours later.I feel the pain in the back of my chest cavity rather than the front.
I have had pleurosy before but that tends to hurt when you expand your lungs, whereas this is totally independant of breath intake.
has anybody else experienced this? is it die off in my longs, or what.
I am quite worried, any ideas out there????