I know, I'm probably just dreaming here. It seems like the "raw food" movement is pretty big though, and they seem to agree with NH about fasting, toxicity, deficiency, food combining, body cycles, etc. Oh well, maybe someday we'll see something like this. What would we do without the internet though, woah! I wouldn't know any of this stuff!! Thanks for the replies. And, I love the phrase "you have to eat the fish and spit out the bones." We are all only human, trying to figure this stuff out without the help of yes, the mainstream. I once took the time to search the medical databases to see if there was any research at all on these topics...not a one!! I was so distraught to see this and was wishing there was a way to do some real research projects and get it published. My eyes have since been open and I realize that it was a lost cause in this world. Nothing like this would ever fly. We are all "quacks." :(