I believe I, like many of you, seem to be suffering from some kind of infestation that is causing a whole host of problems.
I'm looking at products, ways to eat, etc...and while I see comments and that in blogs and other places it seems those looking for a cure continue to look, and look, and look.
I want to get rid of this once and for all but I am a logical person who follows a logical path to the solution to a problem.
From what I read I am better off than most but a few threads on here really rang with me.
1. I took Cipro 7 years ago and it did a real number on me. You name it, I had it. Nerve problems, massive panic/anxiety attacks. I paced my house for 4 hours the day after taking it. I read someone else on here had a similar but sounds like a much worse experience. My liver function was slightly elevated after the fact but has since been spot on. I took 2 500mg pills and thats all it took to knock me out for nearly a year.
2. Waking up in the middle of the night with a pounding heart and in a panic.
I do not know if Cipro itself was to blame as a direct cause, meaning a ingredient in the Cipro, or it upset the balance of the gut so much to cause these issues. I also have Celiac's and although GF now, I was not when this happened and kept eating gluten.
After 3 weeks I felt GREAT, then downhill again, then GREAT, then downhill. Most of my symptoms disappeared except for a tremor/shaking in the hands. That eventually went away after a year and I went GF.
Then I started to have partial re-occurances. Foggy, anxiety but no real panic attacks. After a while I got so used to it it didn't really bother me. About 2 years in I discovered B12 and D3. HUGE helps there.
Then after going good for 2 years I ran into another down streak and found out about Candida. I treated it with Candex and what took me 6 months to recover from I could now recover from in a week or so.
I thought I had my problem under control. Then I found out I could not have
Sugar or the problems came back hard. Drinking was even worse.
So I gave those up and for a while was OK but huge carb loads or if I had gotten gluten by accident brought it all back.
Now I'm onto
parasites and so much of what I read makes sense and is relatable to my problem however I rarely see anyone say they have licked, or have their problem totally and utterly under control.
I decided 5 months ago i was going to get rid of the Candida once and for all. I tried Threelac and in 2 days I was in the hospital. Thankfully all OK. I think it was a combination of Threelac and lack of hydration. Had severe pains in the gall bladder/liver area, like heart attack style pains. Spent the night in a hospital, had a stress test, told I was in perfect health. Once they gave me 2 bags of saline and I went to the bathroom a few times I felt great.
3 weeks ago I decided again, I had enough. Tried Grapefruit seed extract after some muscle tension and shaking had come back. Did wonders for me. I felt like I had die off but my tolerance for
Sugar went through the roof. I felt I was finally getting someplace.
Well then all that
Sugar I was enjoying was too much and I stopped last Sunday. Here comes the late night anxiety, lack of sleep, lower back pain, etc.
Thankfully chewable B12's take the anxiety part right away.
I go for months in feeling great, then something sends me downhill. Spend a month or two fixing it, then great for a while again.
Talked to my doctor about several times and think I might finally be getting someplace after I test negative for heart disease, liver problems, diabetes, etc. Process of elimination the only thing left is something else.
So right now I'm taking 4-5 drops of
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract per day in a single 20oz water. If I eat carbs before I goto bed I sleep through the night no problem.
Don't have carbs, wake up at 1-2am, nerves burning, muscles shaking. I get dehydrated easily and shake. Then as the night goes on by 4-5 am I feel fine. Get up, drink a bunch of water, get on the treadmill and go about my day. The nerve burning and pain go away when I stand up.
I want this done and overwith. The die off I'm going through is a cake walk compared to 7 years ago. I am the most rational person in the world but the night after taking those pills I found myself talking to a psych ward at a local hospital on the phone.
We now own our own business and I can't afford to float through this as I might have in the past.
The biggest thing is my wife is starting to show signs of some of the problems I've had. Slight tremors in the hands, some anxiety, insomnia, etc.
I'm evaluating all kinds of products and idea's but regardless of all of the facts in front of me what is missing is the person who said "I had this problem, I took this approach, and I was better". I find blogs of people who go from one idea to the next and never get better.
Is it them? Is it a lack of following a routine? Is it their environment?
I did go on a sugar/flour free diet a few years ago to fantastic results except I developed a rather personal and painful issue. I won't go into detail but it was small, it hurt like hell, and no doctor could tell me what it was. We were out and I broke down and ordered a Pop with dinner. Next morning it was gone. Stay off sugar, came back. I literally managed it with a high sugar drink for about 3 months until it just stopped coming back.
I don't want to do more harm than good. I've bounced back plenty of times, and after the Cipro incident I was amazed at how the body can heal itself. That was at 31, at 38 however that resiliency isn't going to last forever.
BTW, the only evidence I have of a problem in a physical sense besides the symptoms is the brief appearance of a white mucus in the stool. I don't get a ton of it, usually its in 1 spot maybe measuring an area of .5 square. That comes and goes.
I have a feeling I'm on the right track but I'm up against a wall of evidence that does not always pan out. Before I go and start taking things that make it worse I'd like to hear some real success stories.