At least you have evidence for your rumblings. It's weird that the History channel has it on tv and the city won't admit to it. They must be doing something that they don't want to be held liable for?
Yeah I liked that whatdoesitmean article. That's what I go by. Planets aligning, solar flares, (supposed to be more this year) moon distance (at it's closet point for the year now) and the fact that there's a comet heading our way now, called Elenin. This is what some are calling Planet X or the dark star. I don't believe it, but what ever it is; it's coming.;orb=1;cov=1;log=0;cad=1
You can see at right about 911 this year it will be crossing the solar system's plane. It's coming from below the plane, like Planet X is supposed to. So if it's planet X, we should be able to see it right around then. And on Oct 17, it will be at it's closet point; 232 million miles away. And right about Dec 1st, Mercury, Earth, Jupiter and the comet will be lined up with the Sun. So I think there's going to be a lot better chance for big earth quakes this year. You can also see in that animation, that there's not going to be any planetary alignments on 12,21,12.
I was going to post an aritcle on this stuff the night of the earth quake, but my computer freaked out in the middle of it, and I didn't want to come back and start over again.
And that low pressure system theory they mentioned in that article has me wondering. I never thought about that, but it makes sense. Lower pressure on the area would allow anything that's ready to let loose, to go. We have been going through many low pressure systems this last week. I think we're on number 7 now and there's still a few more lined up to hit us.
Good time to throw some HAARP into the mix now. Not that I believe in HAARP caused quakes. I've seen those type of clouds T posted. They look weird, but nothing has come of them yet. I think I'd have to see the power bill at HAARP before I believed it for sure. There's just no way to know when it's actually fired up in my opinion.
I hope I'm not alseep or working when the big one hits up here in the Seattle area. I think I stay pretty tuned to the environment when I'm not preoccupied. Then maybe I can post an alert before it happens when I hear or see something again.
Take Care BTDT!
Hey what's happening now that they approved that union busting bill in Wisconsin? Are things till brewing or did they give up? I think a lot of states are going to be passing some variation of that stuff. Washington is passing some weird little thing like that, but nothing big yet.